Survey for school project

  1. Google search
  2. Just like to write
  3. I like all postcards, but I’m particularly happy when I receive one from a place that I haven’t received before.

Hi AlinaLoz,
I was in high school when i started to think about having penpal. This is way back before dial up internet. Somewhere in the 80s. Fast forward around 2017 and Barnes and Nobles is offering to read for free a new author Penny Reid (Neartheland Seeks Human). I like the book and author, so i keep up with the series. In one of her books, she mentions the heroine having three pen pals. And that rekindle my interest in pen paling. I had joined the author’s fan group, and they talked about forming a branch for pen pals. One of the members mentioned this group, postcrossing, and i became a member.
The reason to join this group was to learn in more depth about countries, people and finding similarities, rather than differences.
All of my cards are favorites, and all will be mounted as an art piece.
I hope this helps you with your assignment. Good luck