Surprise Postcards!?

I got my very first SURPRISE POSTCARD!? No ID #, though I know it came from Romania. How did this fantastic thing happen? I’m relatively new to this, (#80’ish received and sent), and was just tickled pink to get one. Are they common and how can I do the same? Thanks for the help.


Did you check with help on the main page to make sure the person did not forget the id?


If it’s not a swap, most likely the sender forgot to leave an ID

Please send a request to the team for help

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Thanks for the advice - there is no ID just “SURPRISE POSTCARD”, hand-written, all caps. It’s as if they just picked me to send one. Has anyone else gotten something like this?


Maybe it’s someone who already sent you an official postcard, and wanted to make a surprise to you because (maybe) he/she liked a lot your profile ? Or maybe because one of the postcard he/she sent had a spécial thing ? (Like their 100th postcard or something like that ?) did you compare the handwriting ? :blush:


You’ve only received one card from Romania so far:

I’d start by comparing handwriting to that card and looking at the postmark to see if you can tell whether they were mailed from the same city. It doesn’t look like you have participated in any of the forum games yet (tags, RRs, etc), but that was going to be another guess - if you’d exchanged cards with someone through a forum activity in the past and they decided to send you another card just for fun.


I haven’t got anything like that. If you havent taken a part to any forum activities (RR etc.) then you should ask help from Postcrossing team to find out this card’s ID.

Your address is given with an ID to the sender, no one can’t get your address without ID. Or then there is the situation, like mentioned earlier, where sender has sended several postcards to you.

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Maybe it is a RAS?
RAS is for Random Act of Smileness - it means that people ask others to send a card to a third person to surprise them or make them smile.

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If it’s written “surprise postcard” it’s not official!

I’m betting on the sender of the official card you already received from Romania :relaxed:


If you have put your address on any cards you sent out it could be a surprise postcard sent by one of your receipents as a thank you.


Basically, there are only two categories of people who know your address:

  1. those who have sent you an official postcard
  2. those to whom you gave your address yourself (through forum, direct swap, on a postcard you sent if you do that…).

If you go through those people, you should be able to identify the sender :slight_smile:

If not, it could be a new member who sent the postacard as an offical postcard but didn’t quite understand the system. I don’t think it is very likely but if it was the case, you should contact the admins throught the missing ID form as suggested by @Seracker and they will find the ID for you :slight_smile: