Suggestion - travel mode stats

Hi…putting a suggestion out there and apologies in advance if it’s been considered/discussed before.

On the stats page, could a column or separate table be added to show where you have sent postcards from in travel mode. With a few postcrossers advertising where they have sent postcards from in travel mode in their profile, it may be a nice new table to show.

I do have a vested interest in this as I would like to show where I have sent postcards from in travel mode :grinning:



You can use the map tab to visualize where you sent postcards from. Little houses will pop up in travel mode in the map. Just uncheck the options Show travel lines and Show sent/receive postcards to keep only the houses in the map
The map is not publicly available for everyone to see, so I understand why you suggested an addition to the stat tab


Would also love this feature!
In my not even three years of PC, I already sent from a lot of different countries…
Only yesterday, I sent seven cards from a 3-digit- country :wink:


thank you for the tip! I didn’t know we could see that :smiley: