Students learning Spanish kindly wish to greet you :)

I am beginning my first teaching job in January, and I am quite nervous! I will be a high school Spanish teacher. I really want to show my students something new in the world. I want to inspire them. The first unit I am teaching will be about Families and Family Activities. The class I am teaching is a first-year Spanish class, so they have only been learning Spanish for about five months. They are 14-18 years old.

Whether Spanish is your first language or you are learning/practicing, my students would treasure hearing from you. :slight_smile:

If you are interested, my students would love to read your messages :blue_heart: If possible, may you please describe what activities you like to do with your family, a nice family memory, what family activities are popular in your area, common holiday family activities, famous families in your country (historical or modern), family practices, or anything about your family you would like to share? Do you play any special games with your family? My students are very interested in board games! Please write in Spanish :slight_smile: I will help them interpret and understand your message.

Learning about cultural intricacies is very important for me, and I want to teach my students how to be appreciative of other cultures and new traditions. I want to teach them the importance of being open-minded to the world.

I have another class of students that is learning about Music and Singers, and another class that is learning about Sports and Athletes. If you are inspired for either of those topics more than Family Activities, my students would also love to hear from you!!

We will happily respond with detailed postcards or a letter if you are interested! Please let me know :blue_heart:

If you are interested in sending us a postcard, please feel free to write me a message! I will send you the address. Thank you very much for giving my students the gift of inspiration! Your postcard will light up their day :slight_smile: Thank you so much for reading!


I would love to send a postcard! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you so much for your kindness!! :love_letter: :two_hearts: I will send you a message! My students will be so happy :blush: Thank you for supporting me!

Saludos desde España
I can send a viewcards with the statue Don Pelayo, the first King of Asturies .He did the Reconquista.
But if you prefer other card as the aereal view my city . There isn’t problem
Merry Christmas


Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! :sparkles::crescent_moon: I will send you a message! My students will be so happy :two_hearts: Thank you for your support!

I’d like to send a postcard!


Thank you kindly!! :love_letter: :blush: I’m very honored that you’re interested in our project! My students and I will cherish your postcard :blue_heart: I will send you a message!

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I received your postcard today! :two_hearts: :love_letter: Thank you so, so much!!

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I received your postcard today! :two_hearts: :love_letter: Thank you kindly!! :blush:

Send adress to send postcard. Please.

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