[Closed] - Request - Exchanging postcards with students in grade 7

Hi, we are happy about every postcard that will find its way to us, but we are not expecting anything :slight_smile: So do whatever you feel like doing.

Absolutely! We love to receive cards :slight_smile:

Yes please :slight_smile: We are so happy about any postcard that finds its way to us!

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I’ll send one from England and message my address for return.

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I just wrote one and put it in the postbox
I hope it arrives well and hope kids will like it
Best wishes :slight_smile:

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Hello! There was not yet any card from Finland on your wall. I will send one to you.

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Hi Paola,

I have received already twice a card from a student in a similar topic for a class in Nürnberg and I write her just back, even if I could be her Grandma :upside_down_face:
It is fun to read that what is so normal for us —> writing a postcard, is so new for 7th graders, so I don’t want to spoil her fun and hope she will enjoy writing and receiving cards or letters as well.


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Received with thanks!! ^^

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Hello @linili26 , I would like to send a card from Italy. Is it too late now, since the school year is almost over?

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Hi, we still have three more weeks of this school year left, so it’s not too late. And my class will be my class next year as well, so any cards that arrives after this school year will still go on our pinnboard.

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Lovely! I’ll put a card in the mail shortly :sunflower:

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Hello. I am Taiane. I am an English teacher from Brazil.
Do you thing it would be possible our students exchange postcards between them.
Each student of mine can send you a postcard, and your students maybe could reply it.
Let me know if it is possible.

Best Regards, Teacher Tai.


Hi everybody! Here‘s an update of our wall. I will now close this exchange since our school year will shortly end. Thank you all so much for participating! I will for sure do this again with a different class next school year :slight_smile:

This morning I have received a lovely card from Simon, which hopefully means that my card made it to your school before the end of the year :blush:

I would like to tell Simon that my favourite food is rice, especially an italian dish called risotto.
I love firefighters and one of my dreams is to visit a firefighter station, you are lucky to have one nearby!

Have a lovely summer class 7.4 and, if I may, I would like to send another postcard when the new year starts.

All the best, ciao!

I received a lovely postcard from Lea
Please tell her I had enjoyed reading her message