[Closed] - Request - Exchanging postcards with students in grade 7

Sending one from Wisconsin, USA! )

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I’d love to send one from the west coast of Canada! This seems like a great idea!

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As a recently retired teacher, I would love to participate in this worthy project:) I will send a postcard from Ontario, Canada :canada:

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Dear @linili26,

I have received this wonderful card from your student Alex. Thanks a lot for making my day! :slight_smile: I hope you now have many cards from all over the world.

Take care,



Hello Class 7.4 !

Thank you very much for your beautiful postcard ! I find it very pretty and I was very happy to have this pretty postcard in my mailbox .

I wish you the best !


I got this lovely postcard today and it also has a rather long written text on it - as much as anyone can write on a postcard. Good job! Thanks, very nice backlink! But it would also be lovely to see the cards we sent somewhere.

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Great idea! I will upload a picture of all your cards and how we displayed them in our classroom later. I still have to update the wall with the newest arrivals. We are overwhelmed by your kindness and the kids love getting new cards every week :slight_smile: Thank you!


Thank you all so so much!!


Hallo Lina!

I’d have loved to send a postcard, but due to the fact that my family is German, I’m not so sure how you (your students) may think of it. I was born and raised in Austria, but still it ‘only’ would be a postcards from nearby (and written in German). So if it’ll be written in German, there won’t be a further process in learning.

I’m looking forward to hear what you are thinking of it.

Best wishes


Hi, we are happy about every postcard that finds its way to us. No matter how far or close it will come from. And about the language part: Can’t you write in English? I don’t understand why not when you write in English in your post? :slight_smile: Best wishes, Lina

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Sending one from Texas, USA :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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I will send a card from California. :blush:

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This looks so cool! I’m sending one from Singapore today! ^^

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I’ll send a card from Japan!

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I will ask my son Lewie who is 8 to write to you and I’m sure he would love to receive a card back. Love the question about the kebab :rofl:

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Is there still time for a card from the US?

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I got this card in the mail today from Elene. I’m so glad my postcard reached y’all and it was a wonderful surprise to receive a response, thank you so much! :pray:
and I’m wondering if I should reply back, what are your students expecting?

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I would like to send one from korea!!

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Hi! I’ll send one from Korea as well :slight_smile:

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Hello, i can see that you have already exchanged with a postcrosser from France - please let me know if you still want to have another card from France, this time from Alsace.

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