[Closed] - Request - Exchanging postcards with students in grade 7

I’ll send some from Japan! Is it okay if I send you a message privately to talk more about this?

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Hi!I‘ll send one from China:-D

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Flying your way now! :smiley:


Hi Lina, and greetings from Vancouver Island on Canada’s west coast! We’ll get a postcard out to you within a few days. :sun_with_face:

Marcia and Mike. :people_hugging:


I’ll send one from Canada too, even got some unused German stamps y’all can use :smiling_face:


Do you prefer i write in German or English?

English would be great so that they can improve their English. But if you prefer German, that would of course be ok, too.

@Gestaltung-Mette and @korzhia

I would like to ask you to write only in English, because that is according to the Forum Guidelines the language we communicate here.

English is the official language of the forum, and this language should be used throughout the forum — except on the Language and Geographical communities, and on the Meetups sections.

Thank you.

Sending one from Texas, USA.

Hello, is this opportunity still available?

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Hi, yes! My students will be happy to receive cards, no matter when :slight_smile:

And thank you to everybody who has sent one already. I think we received about 30 postcards, wow! I never would have anticipated that! So thank you so much! We will do our best to send back postcards your way as soon as we can :slight_smile:

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Ok, that’s good! Is it ok to send more than one? I am putting them in a medium-size envelope and thought it would be a waste to just send one inside :slight_smile: Is it also ok to include some stickers? Or maybe not because I do not know if I can put enough for all the class. Thanks!

Sure! You can send whatever you like. And don’t worry about not having enough stickers. We would put them up in our classroom anyways. So it would be totally finde to even just put one sticker up.

I would love to send a card . :blush::blush:

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Sending one tomorrow. :slight_smile: hope it arrives safely! Two postcards and stickers

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I would love to do this also. Florida USA :us:

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This is awesome! I’ll send you one from Rhode Island, USA! :smiley:

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Will message you shortly.
Sending one from Washington State.

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I’ll send one from Canada!

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