Stats: Efficiency Factor

Using PC statistics you can determine the ratio of the number of received postcards to the number of lost postcards.
This can be calculated by the ratio of the number of elongated numbers and the number of registered postcards.
For example, for Russia, only 7 out of 8 cards are registered :slightly_smiling_face:
Calculations are carried out for each country from the first 22 countries. Data as of January 08, 2022.

17 - Finland
15 - Germany, Netherlands
14 - Belgium
13 - Japan
12 - Canada
11 - USA, Australia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic
10 - Italy, France
9 - Spain
8 - Lithuania, Hong Kong, Portugal, Belarus
7 - Russia
6 - Poland
5 - Ukraine, Taiwan, China


What do you mean by “elongated numbers”?


It’s a Postcard ID when I get new address. Unfortunatelly then cards are often lost

Sorry what do these numbers mean for each country?

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What about the cards that are currently travelling?

Thanks for the comment.
This table only reflects the general trend by country.
A lot of things here are based on the forecast.
As of January 09, 2022, Finland has sent approximately 3864100 postcards.
Usually in 2 months the postcard either reaches the goal or is lost.
On November 09, 2021, circa FI-4057500 was issued, on December 09, 2021, circa FI-4078200 was issued.
The success rate is 95.2% and 94.8%, respectively.
On the other flank is China. Here the percentage is 83.7 and 83.2 respectively

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For Canada, 12 out of 13 postcards found a new owner, and 1 postcard was either lost or forgotten to be sent :grinning:

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