Starting postcrossing from 'abroad'

Dear members,

Soon I will travel to Kenya and have a group of guests with me. I would like to send cards from travel mode and potentially engage them in the writing of my cards. I can imagine others getting excited about it as well. Is it possible to start an account on postcrossing and put it in ‘Travel Mode’ immediately and start writing the first 5 cards from - for example - Kenya?!

I am very curious to know! :smiley:

Thank you for any answers/responses.

Happy Postcrossing! Bo


Sure you can do that. Though you may want to do swaps on here instead since sending from Kenya may take long and then you may not be able to send again for a while. I am happy to swap if you want


I agree with that. Post from many African countries is problematical. I don’t know the situation in Kenya. Being more touristy, it might be all right. But if not, your friends could be stuck on their first five postcards for a very long time, waiting for them to arrive and be registered.

@meiadeleite @paulo

Good point…maybe send 3 from Kenya, leaving 2 spaces to use when they get home as those 2 will probably go to US or Germany and be delivered in 2 weeks or so

Starting an account and immediately set it to travel mode in another country can work, but it’s not the usual way to do things so there may be some unexpected setbacks. We have a few systems in place to try to detect and prevent abuse; for example, if an account is created under country X, but is being used from country Y (and specially if it’s an uncommon country in Postcrossing), it may trigger some warnings and may need manual approval/check and we may not always be able to assert what exactly is happening. Ideally, all accounts should be used on a regular mode before using the travel mode. Again, this idea may work, but not quite how Postcrossing is designed to work.

Also, keep in mind that in travel mode you’ll need to use a local internet connection so that Postcrossing can verify the location the account is being used from. If you use your home country phone data connection, that is unlikely to work (as you’ll be using an IP address from your home country), so you may need to use a local connection like an hotel/cafe/library/etc.

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