Standard postcard sizes

I’m responding to a profile that would like “modern standard size 10cm x 15cm cards”.

I have different sizes in my stash, but the smaller size (non vintage) seems to be 10.4 x 14.8 cm. The next size up is 11 x 15.4cm
Can anyone tell me what standard postcard sizes are? I feel this is something I should already know after a few years in Postcrossing :slight_smile:

(I know I can send any card, but I’d like it to fit in their album if this is why they ask for standard size, and I do have a selection of sizes.)

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Thank you @linos203 - so my 10.4 x 14.8 cm (measured with a ruler) are probably the ones they want.

Really appreciate your help

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The definition of what the standard size is may vary by region. But my rule of thumb is 10.5 X15cm for European and 4X6 in the United States. Some regions (Southeast Asia, the Balkans, etc.) generally are the larger “Modern” size. Now, I have several hundred postcards from the UK that are 10.5X15cm. As @linos203 noted these should fit on their album page. I don’t use pages; rather I use clear sleeves into which I then insert the postcard.

If you wish, I have a couple of postcards from Wales I can send you. If you can wait a few days and want them, please send me your address by PM.


Thanks for the offer @cliffside, but I’ve plenty of cards in stock.
The only problem was that my measurements don’t match the measurements in the profile. I’ll send the A6 as these measurements are closest.
But yes, my main stock of Welsh UNESCO I would have considered as standard. However, they are a little larger than the measurements @linos203 gave.

This standard size of the postcard matters a lot to me, as in Sri Lanka all the available cards are larger than the said standard size. Sometimes I feel really discriminated (Im not sure this word matches my feeling) when some profiles strictly asked for standard size cards, and some even said “do not send larger cards”. In the forum even after receiving my cards some people used to say “oh your card is so big and we don’t collect them”.
I can’t help but send what I have, what my country has.
Im sorry if this is off topic :smiling_face_with_tear:


Hi, my understanding of post crossing, is you send a post card of your choice. The profile can be used to tell people what you like. I have just started and don’t have a wide choice to send as yet. I am using an A4 clear sleeve to put them in. This allows me to read the back as well. I glue the plastic sleeve above the post card, allowing me to have different sizes. So far it seems to be working.


I understand your frustration @Prithika, but I think that most Postcrossers will understand that cards come in different sizes in different countries, and even within countries. I only asked as the measurements listed in the profile didn’t match anything I have in stock. The profile was polite and expressed only a preference, so I’m not concerned about matching exactly.

Here in Wales the very nicest tourist cards are actually 12 x 17cm and there are plenty at 11 x 15.5cm with just a few at ~ 10.4 x 14.8cm. The profile asked for ‘standard 10 x 15’ which I don’t have.

The same principle applies for size as it does for image, stamps and the written side - you send what you have, and if you can match someone’s preferences that is great. If you cannot, that is still great. We will all enjoy a postcard from Sri Lanka, no matter what size!

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Thank you so much for your kind words :heart::bouquet:

I send what I have. I received a profile where the member specifically asked for standard size, but they also requested cards by an artist from my own city, which I do have. All the postcards from this artist are larger than standard size :woman_shrugging:t2: so I sent one, and the recipient was so very happy to get it. It’s a contradiction. So now I just send what I have.