Stamps with the lowest value from your country

The lowest available value in Germany is 0,01 € - you’d need 70 of them for a domestic post. They’re only available at vending machines.

Good thing is you can use your lowest coins to purchase them :smiley: win/win


Not my country, but I have sent postcards from there: Cyprus :cyprus:
“In order to handle the massive problems caused by the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, with 200.000 Greek Cypriots displaced in their own country, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus set up a “Special Refugee Fund”. To support the Fund and to reduce the financial impact of the refugee problem, Cyprus Post issued a special refugee stamp, which, under legislation, must accompany every object to be posted.” (From

Postcard sending prices are 0,41€ (domestic) and 0,64€/0,75€ (international) so that would be 22 - 38 stamps.

@Prodromos maybe you know more about low value Cypriot stamps?


Picture by Asahi News.
The 1 JPY stamp of Japan.
It is issued in a sheet with 50 stamps in Japan.
This is mostly used when people are sending old cards or envelopes with less stamp value on it, while the post fee has been raised by 1~2 yen these years due to the rising tax.
To send an international postcard, you’ll have to stick 70 of them.


Hello Rebecca. Thank you very much for your post for our refugee stamp. Is a design with a special meaning for us Cypriots because illustrates the pain of the past that was caused by the 1974 Turkish invasion. This design was firstly used in late 70s and since then every year the local postal services issue the same stamp with different background color. But I don’t think someone will use the same stamp 22-38 times. Sometimes when I try to explain to a penpal or fellow postcrosser the story behind the stamp I might use 2-3 different varieties (mainly the latest ones). In general is not so easy to find the oldest varieties (before 2014). Most of the Cypriot stamps have the following values (after 2008 when we have joined eurozone): 0,34 euros 0,41 euros 0,50 euros 0,64 euros 0,75 euros 1,00 euros and 1,88 euros (probably the most expensive name value). In the years between 2008 and 2014 there were some stamps even with a face value of 0,04 and 0,22 euros. After the Refugee stamps, I think those stamps had the lowest value.



Two stamps from the Series Famous People from Cyprus dedicated to the painter Adamantios Diamantis and poet and journalist Theodosis Pierides issued in 2015.


Two more stamps from the same series issued in 2014 dedicated to musician Theodoulos Kallinikos and journalist Stylianos Hourmouzios

2014 Winter stamp

The lowest value stamp (0,22 euros) from a 2014 series under the theme “Four Seasons”. This stamp is for Winter.

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013 stamp (0,22 euros)

Oregano 2013

Stamp from 2013 series under the title Spices and Herbs. The stamp illustrates the flower of oregano and believe it or not smells like it…

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 stamp (0,22 euros)

Centenary of Red Cross 2013

Centenary of Red Cross in Cyprus, issued in 2013 (0,22 euros)

Olympic Games 2012

Stamp from the Series Olympic Games 2012 (0,22 euros)

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Galleon stamp from 2011 series under the title Tall Ships

Pig 2010

Pig stamp from 2010 series under the title Domestic Animals

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 (0,22 euros)


Pigeon stamp as part of the series under the title Domestic Fowl issued in 2009

Olympic Games 2008

Stamp from Olympic Games 2008 series


Third lowest stamp
This 0,05€ stamp is from 2021

  • 0,05€ = 30 stamps to Europe (24 stamps to Czech Republic), 32 stamps to other parts of world

On this also third (two 0,05€ stamps) lowest stamp you can see Roman Glass from Zohor, from 1st century.

Roman Glass from Zohor

Fourth lowest stamp
This 0,10€ stamp is from 2021

  • 0,10€ = 15 stamps to Europe (12 stamps to Czech Republic), 16 stamps to other parts of world

On this fourth lowest stamp you can see rare Gothic Goblet with Glass Drops from Bratislava, from 15th century found in the old building of Universitas Istropolitana created in 1465, oldest University in Bratislava and whole Slovakia.

Gothic Goblet Decorated with Glass Drops, from Bratislava

Old building of Universitas Istropolitana where the Goblet was found.

Fourth lowest stamp (2 0,10€ stamps)

  • 0,10€ = 15 stamps to Europe (12 stamps to Czech Republic), 16 stamps to other parts of world

On this second fourth lowest stamp you can see romansque Church of St. John the Baptist in Sedmerovec – Pominovce. It was built in the half of 12th century or sooner.

Church of St. John the Baptist in Sedmerovec – Pominovce


Hello. The current lowest valued stamp is this two cents stamp. You need 78 of these to sent a letter or a card of max 20 grams to an address outside the Netherlands.


In Taiwan, the lowest value you can buy in every post offices is 1 NTD (approximately equals to 0.03 USD). You need to paste 12 to send a postcard to Europe, Africa and Latin America; 11 for North America; 10 for Asia and Oceania; 6 for Mainland China, HK and Macao.
Actually, there were stamps with lower value in the past, such as 0.5 or 0.4 NTD etc. But it can only be purchased from other philatelists for they have been already out of print.


Switzerland recently increased postage costs and issued some low-value stamps so senders can easily make up the difference. The values are 5, 10 and 20 Rp. (Swiss Rappen), and the stamps show the corresponding Swiss coins.

To send within Europe:
36x 5Rp. stamps
18x 10Rp. stamps
9x 20Rp. stamps

To send to the rest of the world:
46x 5Rp. stamps
23x 10 Rp. stamps
At least 12x 20 Rp. stamps


Singapore’s lowest denomination that you can get at the post office is 5 cents.
An international postcard is 80 cents - 16 pieces, a letter to Europe, Australia etc. is 1.50, 30 pieces.




This is Canada’s lowest denomination stamp, a one-cent or one-penny stamp featuring the convergent lady beetle, also called the convergent ladybug. It belongs to the “beneficial insects” series of low-denomination stamps.

These very small-value “definitive” stamps are used only to top up existing definitive (specific denomination) stamps whenever the postal rates go up :smiley:

My father was always annoyed at increases in postal rates, and once covered an entire envelope in one-cent stamps to send a letter to me, just to prove a point. (Which I think was to make the poor postal workers count them all to confirm it was the right amount!)

However, I do like these little stamps very much. They are too cute!


In Italy :it: the old stamps in Lire (former currency before Euro) are still valid for use as postage if they are from 1967 onwards.

So lowest denomination stamp is this 1 Lira (0,05c€) of 1968, from the Siracusana serie:
1L 1968

Remaining on Euro, the lowest is instead this 1c€ of 2004 from the woman in art serie:
1c 2004

But the two above are no more sold at philatelic counters (post offices in general don’t have stamps here).
So, remaining on what is available now, even if you have to do a search, the lowest is this 5c€ of 2010 flying envelope:

It would take:

  • 24 for domestic;
  • 25 for EU, Russia and mediterranean countries;
  • 48 for extra-EU;
  • 62 for Oceania.

The lowest that is available is 25 paisa.

For one postcard, require 60 of these :slight_smile:


I have a one and one fourth cent stamp!!! I wonder what they used it for…

i can not be 100% sure but when i went to a stamp show a few years ago and bought lots of old unused postage stamps, i’d ask the dealer why there is a ¼¢ and ½¢ used for. the dealer said when postage was 1¢ for a letter, the cost of sending a postcard was ¼¢ and follow increase to ½¢. sound good and accepted it. maybe someone else knows different.


Here in :chile: Chile the most recent stamp with the lowest value is this one, issued in 2016 as part of a series that represents ritual body paintings of the Selk’nam people who inhabited the far south of the country:

10 CLP (currently about 0,01 USD, 1 cent)

It would take about 37 of these stamps for sending a postcard inside Chile, 48 for the Americas and 52 for sending abroad :sweat_smile:


In Croatia the lowest value of the stamp is 0,10 HRK (Croatian kuna).
One would need 86 such stamps for international letter (up to 50g) or postcard.
Sunja 0,10kn

2nd lowest value is 0,20 HRK (Croatian kuna). For international letter (up to 50g) or postcard = 43 pieces
Here you can choose between two designs!
Bistra 0,20kn
Plutača 0,20kn


And i love using them🙈

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This 2 cents stamp is the lowest value stamp available from the Irish Post Office (An Post). It costs €1.35 to post a postcard or letter within Ireland - so that would be 68 of these stamps and €2.20 to the rest of the world - that would be 110 two-cents stamps! Recently An Post has started replacing the cost of a stamp with the letter ‘N’ for national and the letter ‘W’ for world and (shock, horror!) making all these new stamps self-adhesive (is there anything worse for stamp collectors?). :scream_cat:


In Greece the lowest value readily available at the Post Office e-shop is €0.05 (source: ELTA - PHILOTELISMOS ). All prices in their list are multiples of €0.10, so it is unlikley they will issue in the future any stamps below €0.10.


Unfortunately all new An Post stamps going forward are to be self adhesive, according to what I’ve heard :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

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