[Stamps] UK stamps, prices, Royal Mail & Post Office matters

And Japan have such beautiful cards x


I need some help from the stamp experts on this forum - it was only after I stuck this on the envelope that I wondered, because of the Queen’s head, does this maybe count as a Machin and is therefore no longer valid?


All Post & Go stamps are valid for postage.


Hurray. Thank you.

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Do you order stamps from Philatelink? Please check your order!

I ordered a batch of First Class stamps and eleven were of the value £1.33. I also ordered 100 15p stamps (to use 1st Class, £1 and 15p stamps for foreign mail) and they were not enclosed. I have emailed the company and am awaiting a reply.


I have just had a reply from Philatelink. They already noticed they had not enclosed the 15p stamps and have already posted them! No mention of the £1.33 stamps though…

Yes, I had a few problems, but it’s always sorted out very quickly. Especially last year after the Machins were no longer legal, a few used to slip into orders. Apparently, most of the stamps came from abroad already packaged and the foreign dealers didn’t understand the new rules.

As you say, we do need to check each order.


I always check my order & have had issues multiple times, I actually got to the point where I was embarrassed having to contact them again, I felt like I was annoying them, one time he just ignored me! So I left it.

But the times they have replied it has been dealt with very quickly.

I’m glad you posted as l thought it was just me having terrible luck, I’ve never seen anyone else mention it before x

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@EmmaG don’t feel embarrassed about contacting him/them. You are paying a lot of money for these stamps and are entitled to the correct order. I really like them and they make this hobby affordable for lots of us, and I am grateful. Having said that I have had issues too, I’ve been sent someone else’s order, and they didn’t reimburse me for sending the order to that person on behalf of them, I’ve had stamps missing another time etc. I’m still ordering from them though lol.


Thank you :blush::blush::blush:

Wow really, they made you use your own stamps, when they sell stamps?! That’s bad!

I think that’s why I don’t like to make a fuss, as I really appreciate that I can get great stamps from them. I couldn’t bring myself to pay full price for less fun stamps! x

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I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that’s had problems! I still recommend them and use them myself, but have also received un-usable machin stamps and they refused to replace them, small amount but still not very satisfactory!


Gosh!!! That is bad! It’s that sweet discount they know we will all return to…


OMG it’s all of us, this is our #metoo stamp moment! :joy::joy::joy: x


Oh dear, I have always trusted them and assumed if they say it’s legal to use, then it is, which is fairly naive but I’m new to the world if stamps. I will have to be more careful in future!


The only problem I’ve had with Philatelink was a 4½p stamp in a bag of 100 5p stamps, but there were enough 5½p stamps in the bag to use it okay :slight_smile:

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I must be one of the few who has had no issues with Philatelink :postcrossing:

…but then again, I only order three to five times a year from them, my only issue I’ve had has been an order where I have ordered 25 65p stamps and 25 64p stamps only to end up with 50 65p stamps at no extra cost.

In other news, to my surprise this morning, I went into a post office across the road from work (not one I have frequented before) and asked for one 1st class and two 2nd class and to my suprise was given a pepper pig 1st and two machins, they all promptly went on NHS & DVLA letters.

First time I think ever, I’ve been given commemoratives without asking for them.


They must of run out of 1st’s and thought it would be acceptable to substitute with some £1.33’s (losing out on 2p)

I’ve not had any problems to date

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We’ve had a couple of cancelled stamps in orders before, but they’ve been low enough denominations that I’ve not bothered chasing it up. That’s a shame to hear that others have had such issues!


I can happily confirm I have received the missing 15p stamps, nice ones they are too! I have not lost confidence in Philatelink and will order from them again.

However, I would still recommend that received orders should be checked for any discrepancies: bring them to the company’s attention as soon as possible.