[Stamps] UK stamps, prices, Royal Mail & Post Office matters

These stamps are absolutely beautiful:)
They were engraved by master Engraver Cz. Slania


Can’t say the Peppa stamps are my personal favourites, though I’m sure kids will love getting them. The choice of only offering 1st and £2 (already pointed out to be useless without a 20p or 50p make up value) is clearly motivated by money. It honestly does feel a shame when there are so many interesting topics that could be covered, like the RNLI’s 200th birthday, pointed out in the above linked blog. The issues this year have all felt pretty underwhelming.

I’m getting more and more nervous about the D&D issue later this year. I’m a huge D&D and fantasy fan so I love the Pratchett stamps and I’m worried this new D&D issue is not going to be good. My prediction is the D&D stamps, like the Pratchett stamps, will just licence some pre existing artwork, most likely the cover artworks of the major D&D books, the DMG, PHB etc. The likely other options will be they use a selection of official artwork for iconic monsters or they take some terrible photos of people playing the game/some models where you can’t really see anything. My money would be on the first, but I think they are all likely possibilities. All I really hope is they are a good range of denominations.


Can you still use Welsh definitives ?

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Yes, barcoded ones.


That’s one lovely dragon! (and reminds me of my soon to come signature namestamp - I got a dragon one :laughing:)


I like them

Saw a postbox with a Post Office sign on top of it in London yesterday :postbox: I’ve not seen one like that before!


Found an old article here which shows images of all the permanent location postmarks they still use today: Great Britain - Permanent Postmarks from Norvic Philatelics
Useful given they only publish a handful of the location postmark images in the monthly bulletin.


I can live without them. I feel we’ve had enough illustrations /comic book heroes etc lately and would love some decent historic sites/buildings etc


Hi! I’m travelling to UK within a week and I was looking for the prices of the stamps. Have I understood right that the current postage for a card is £2.50? Is there economy option available too? Thank you very much for help :innocent:


Yes that is correct, and yes we do have International Economy


Which is 30p less, £2.20, and is good for anywhere outside of Europe.


Thank you so much for your help! :innocent::hugs:


I’ve been experimenting with sending some of my cards international economy and some international standard. So far, absolutely zero difference. Economy are arriving at the same time, or occasionally before!

Same in England. I’m finding there’s zero pattern with 1st or 2nd class. All of which seems to make a mockery of the system.


I find this especially true if I send second class using 2/3 mixed value stamps… Maybe it’s too much effort to add the values up so everything gets sent 1st


Does anything have to be written on the card to say it’s being sent International Economy? Aside from not putting on an airmail sticker? And is it £2.20, so a 1st and 2nd would do it?

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I write “international economy” - seems it isn’t that well known, and maybe would be classed as underpaid airmail otherwise. 1st + 2nd currently does equal the international economy rate (for use to outside of Europe)


Yes, I write the same.


Yep, been saying this for ages. I truly believe 1st class doesnt add anything to the service

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I don’t write International Economy and have never had any recipients mention cards have been incorrectly flagged as underpaid.


Thats an interesting question. How many people here add an airmail sticker? Ive never used one at all as its implied in the amount you pay/the destination.