Stamps are not much

An event dedicated to philately took place on the territory of the library

Information about the event is presented in Russian, so I will translate the text of the publication into English.


Collecting is an exciting and interesting activity. One of the most popular types of collecting is philately, which is associated with the collection and study of postage stamps. Stamp collecting is the most popular philately direction. Employees of the technical department of the Central City Hospital. M. Gorky prepared an informative book-subject exhibition and a fascinating journey-presentation into the world of stamps “What a charm these stamps are!” Olga Luchkina, the chief librarian of the Natural Science and Technical Literature Subscription, told the audience about the history of this interesting activity; about the first stamp in the world - “Black Penny” with the image of Queen Victoria, which appeared in England in 1840 (in March 2009, a pure “Black Penny” was sold at Sotheby’s for 2.6 thousand pounds sterling); about the king of stamps, Philip Ferrari, since his collection of stamps was the largest in the world and included all the philatelic rarities known at that time, and so far no one has managed to surpass the Ferrari collection and is unlikely to succeed. With great surprise, the event participants learned that Olga Luchkina, an employee of the technical department, and Marina Lalayan, an employee of the bibliographic department, have been collecting stamps for many years. Marina Lalayan spoke about her favorite collection of postage stamps. She shared her memories of the first read magazine “Philately of the USSR”, which inspired her to collect. A video was shown with an interview with the world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, whose collection of stamps is considered one of the best in the world, and he himself is included in the club of the 100 most famous philatelists in the world. And when the listeners learned that, thanks to their passion, a huge number of philatelists live to be 100 years old or more (development of fine motor skills - that’s the secret! - philatelists do not have Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease), they decided to seriously think about starting to collect stamps!


This is really wonderful! I wonder, what made the participants stay to listen? I’m from a high school Philatelic club and I think Philately is a bit too difficult to be introduced to students as their attention span towards this hobby is very short :sweat_smile: It will be great to know the method used. :+1:

Agree with you. If you clicked on the link, then the photo is mostly adult listeners. However, exhibitions with stands have been presented in the library for more than one day, I think that schoolchildren and students look at them with interest. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to submit information.

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Ooh, that’s interesting. I’ll take note of these suggestions :clap:t3: Thank you :blush:

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