St. Petersburg winter party of potterhead postcrossers, 05 DEC 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Russia, Saint-Petersburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Angliyskij prospect, 24, room 1-N.
:calendar: DATE: 05.12.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00-15:00.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We’ll write the special printed Harry Potter postcards! There will be two postcards this time, and one of them is special and consists of two halves: In Saint-Petersburg we’ll write a postcard with Hermione, in Moscow there will be postcard with Ron.

Here’s a link to Moscow meet-up: 5 December 2021 - Winter meetup of potterhead postcrossers in Moscow!
All the questions related to Moscow meet-up you can adress to @Kate_Gralin
If you want to get a whole composition, you’ll need to swap both cards.
Second postcard is drawn by the same author and is exlusive to Saint-Petersburg meetup.

:warning: Unfortunatly, we have some restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation, so the max. number of participants is 15 people, and all the seats are occupied to the moment, but if you want to recieve a postcard, please let us know!


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