St.Petersburg Meeting 22 Aug 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Yelagin Island, “Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation”
:calendar: DATE: 22.08.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We’ll visit the attractions and write the special postcards :smile:


Hello. Beautiful postcard. Is it available for swaps? I can offer a tourist postcard from Cyprus.

Can we swap your cards please


Awesome cards

Could you swap the meetup card with me?
Please PM me!
The all cards i have in the album.

you have beautiful postcards! I really like it! can I exchange with you?

Send me a DM

send me a dm

Hello! I am Natalya. What kind of postcard do you want to exchange? With a palace or with squirrels? Write the address. I am interested in your postcard with a bear.

Oh the squirrel card is soooo cute - is there anybody to swap this card with me? Many thanks!
What can I offer for swap?

May I swap with this card?
My offer is here:
屏幕截图 2021-08-22 181801