[SS] British Isles Secret Santa 2022 🎅 [SIGN UPS CLOSED]

My last post got some interest so fingers crossed.

Welcome to the British Isles Secret Santa 2022.

:ireland: :uk: :guernsey: :isle_of_man: :jersey:

I’m Claire, and I’m going to give hosting this Secret Santa my best shot. 2022 has been a bit of a wild ride and now the days are shorter and colder it’s time to spread some seasonal cheer. I thought it could be fun to expand the idea of the Round Robin and do something similar, but where we have one name, drawn in secret, and we send out a small gift to that person.

This Secret Santa is open to everyone in the British Isles, which means Ireland, UK, Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, etc.

To take part, please comment in the thread below. Then send me a personal message with your name & address.

Please familiarize yourselves with the rules below, which are quite simple.

The Rules for this Secret Santa

The group will stay open to sign-ups for one week, I will close the sign up on Saturday December 10th, 2022. There is no designated set size for this group. As long as we have three members we can start.

After the sign ups close I will assign every member a number and pair people up by random number drawing. Unlike an RR you will only receive one person to send something to, and you (and myself) will be the only person to know who your recipient is.

You will then have two weeks to send a small gift to your recipient.

There is a soft limit of minimum £10 for the gift, which can include the cost of postage.

Please message me when you have sent your gift.

When you sign up please feel free to leave a suggestion list of things you like or dislike… e.g if you’re allergic to anything or if you have a favourite candle fragrance. Bare in mind this should only be suggestion, not specific requests.

If you have any questions please feel free to send me a private message.

Without any further ado, lets spread some joy this winter season :santa:


  1. Bunny-Boo :santa: SENT RECEIVED
  2. jobloggs :christmas_tree: SENT RECEIVED
  3. Junaiki :snowflake: SENT
  4. sandhurst :snowman_with_snow: SENT
  5. Natea :sled: SENT RECEIVED

[EDIT] 10/12/22 sign ups are now closed and all participants have been contacted with the name, address, and suggestion list from their giftee. You now have two weeks to send a small gift, value around £10 to that person. Please let me know when you have sent it just so that I can keep a tally.

I hope you all enjoy.

Please message me if you have any concerns or haven’t received your message from me. I’ve been having some internet issues this morning. Less than one inch of snow falls and the internet can’t deal with it.


Count me in! :rabbit: :santa:

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Me too please, thanks for organising!

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Ooh, this sound exciting! I’d like to join :blush:

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Sign me up!

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All edited, thank you :smiley:

Hi there @Sandhurst,

Would you be able to send me your address and a little list of preferences or things not to get please?

Thanks :christmas_tree:

Today I gave my gift to Santa to deliver to a secret recipient! :santa:t2:

My secret santa gift has arrived! Thank you to whoever sent it! It will be kept safe and not opened until 25 Dec.

Mine was posted earlier today. I had given it to someone to post for me last week, but they didn’t post it, so I posted it myself today. Hopefully it will arrive in time.

I just remembered the one I sent is not wrapped inside, sorry I did not have time to wrap it, nor did I have time to open parcel to wrap before I posted it.

(it should have been this complex!) lol

Thank you to my secret santa! My present arrived today and I love it! :heart_eyes:

A big thank you to my secret santa for my present! I really love it. xxx

Got my Secret Santa gift now too! Thank you so much - very thoughtful and I love the idea of supporting a charity shop through this as well. Happy New Year! :dolphin: :potted_plant: :framed_picture: :womans_clothes: :wink:

Thank you to my Secret Santa! A lovely journal/notebook with an embossed dragon on it. Happy New Year to you :slight_smile: