Spur of the moment cards

Already did that :slight_smile: Though I have to say my forum profile sounds like I just dislike everything… Could work with the wording a bit.

That is a good point. And your example sounds really nicely polite, I think I will respond along those lines if I ever get more surprise cards. It seems that most of people check the profiles first so it hasn’t happened in months.

Just had a look.

For me it doesn’t sound like you dislike everything. It’s a clear and polite statement :+1::blush:


this. i think on the forum people get a lot of swap requests so it’s a fair point. and i’d rather you be honest about it than say you haven’t received anything. than people will send you something again next week or next month.

@Kompis-Ninna that is


If it is not expected that I send something back, then I appreciate it. But that is not always clear or at least, it wasn’t for me. However, nowadays, I don’t stress over this anymore and then I can enjoy it. But that also means that it might be that the sender has to wait a little until I say thank you to them, especially if I am in one of my “postcard breaks”–which I have occasionally when it was a bit much and I just need a break.

With some friends, I regularly exchange mail and I don’t feel bad about “surprise cards” at all. But with these “regulars”, I don’t feel like I have to respond to every single card I receive. I can just enjoy them without feeling as if I was given homework that I didn’t ask for. But with others, I feel obliged to at least say thank you, to let them know that it arrived.

Occasionally, it happens with people who I am not very familiar with and sometimes, that makes me research very very hard why was I sent this card, who sent it, what did I do to deserve this???!!! It can be rather stressful, especially if it comes from someone who I don’t feel familiar with. I can be found all over this forum and I think there are some people who think they know me very well while I don’t have any recollection of who they are. :sweat_smile:
Meeting cards are a bit of an annoyance to me because of this. Participating in a postcrossing meet-up apparently means to some people that they can send you postcards from every meeting they attend from then on. Possibly just to make you happy, possibly in the hopes that you send something back to them, I am not quite sure. Sometimes, it can be rather hard to determine who sent the card, too, in the sea of signatures. Please don’t send me random meeting cards if we are essentially strangers to each other!
Also, I think some people use this way to feel out potential penpals or postcardpals. But I haven’t checked “Interested in private swaps” so I receive those only very seldom.

Regardless, if it is clearly communicated why this piece of mail was sent and who sent it and possibly even what you do or don’t expect in turn and if it is not done inflationary, then it can be a very nice surprise gift. I also sometimes do it myself! :slight_smile:


Sometimes I send surprise cards for birthdays, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day, but I just sign it “Fellow Postcrosser” so the recipient doesn’t feel obligated to reciprocate. I think it’s fun, and I always hope the recipient enjoys the surprise and doesn’t dislike receiving it.

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I would straight up lie and thank them for their card, unless I thought they might be a repeat offender. If it is just a one-off, what is the harm in saying a simple “Thank you for the card!” even if in fact you are not in a thankful mood?

If I thought it might happen again, then I might say, “Thank you for the card. I don’t mean to be rude, but I really don’t like surprise mail outside of normal Postcrossing. If you want to trade, though, please let me know!”

If I thought someone was giving my address to a third party without my permission for that other person to send me a surprise card, that would be a different story entirely. I think then I would probably contact the Admins. If they are giving out your address they are probably also giving out other people’s addresses, and even if that is well-meant it isn’t really a good idea I think.

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I think I would find that creepy if it happened to me! There isn’t even anyone who I could tell to stop, just an anonymous stalker who got my address through postcrossing. You are not supposed to keep the address after sending the postcard. If I received an anonymous postcard like that, in the least I would know that someone clearly broke the rule and kept my address and is even using it without my consent. It is likely that I would report such an incident to the postcrossing team.
I think your intention is good but maybe you could sign those cards and add a sentence that you don’t want anything in turn and just want to spread some happiness?

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In the German forum it is absolutely customary to send and receive RAS cards.
I am very happy every time someone sends me a card “just like that”.
You have to be careful, of course, and only send to people who agree that their address is still being used once you have received it.


I think I’d only send a card like this to someone who had voluntarily given me their address, e.g on the forum for a swap.

I don’t think I will ever do it with an address I pulled for an official card (unless we kept talking)


Gosh, I had no idea it was against the rules or that folks might be creeped out. I guess because I enjoy surprises I just assume other folks do, too. I will stop doing this. Thanks for letting me know.

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Wait I thought the thread was about that, sending extra stuff to people whose address you got through the official “send a postcard”, and the address is visible to you until your official card arrives…
I agree that that would be creepy…

For the rest, hmm, I have regular postcard pals and sometimes I send a card out of the regular back-and-forth, especially if I go on holiday, but they are people I have a regular exchange with. I never thought of doing it to people I swapped with just once, I’d feel a bit pushy like “be my friend!” “I think of you!” And maybe they don’t even remember I swapped with them 3 months ago.

I don’t know how I’d feel receiving random mail, I think it will depend on the situation.
Actually whenever I’ve done a RAS, which is also rarely, I somehow feel quite uncomfortable as a sender, like this person doesn’t even know me, do they even want this card or is it their friend/mum/child projecting their love of cards but the recipient doesn’t even care? And you rarely get even told that the card arrived at all… :no_mouth:


I never really stated this in my original post, but I was mostly thinking about people we were already talking to, however we got their address. I have not had any long exchanges with anyone who’s address I pulled, so I was probably unconsciously assuming forum members. I hadn’t really thought this through when I posted (it’s the Internet, it happens!). I should probably have made that clearer, on the other hand, the discussion is interesting. :slight_smile:
I’m learning stuff, you people make me think.

Creepy indeed!

Getting a card from someone I had no idea who it was, with no explanation or anything… Not sure I’d like that, it would probably depend on the message and choice of card.

I do it all the time. I sent to other forum members, to people I know from meetings and sometimes also a thank you for an official card.