Spring Meetup - Jyväskylä - 18 May 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Jyväskylä
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Restaurant Harmooni, Hannikaisenkatu 39
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 18 May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.30 - 18.30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

The meetup will begin at 12.30 by buffet lunch, after which the actual meetup begins.

Due to restraurant reservation and materials etc, registration is required as usual.

Full program available here. For those arriving already on Friday possibility to visit at Korttipiste.

Special meetup card available by Katja Saario:

Also a special cancellation available:


  1. AKS
  2. AltoOne
  3. annet10
  4. Auringonkukka
  5. Daisa
  6. elinann1ka
  7. elisairene
  8. elo-veena
  9. Fahda
  10. Hellevi
  11. Idler
  12. insp3ktor
  13. Jatta
  14. Jefra
  15. juklea
  16. kannatusjäsen
  17. Karetii
  18. Korttien_kuningatar
  19. krizista
  20. leiper
  21. Lisalda
  22. Madrugada
  23. MaHaKo
  24. MarttaM
  25. marzze
  26. Merikaisla
  27. mhojk
  28. Mikidi
  29. minski
  30. Minttumaaria
  31. mirella
  32. MissMailArt
  33. ModestyB
  34. Nakendorf
  35. outsikka
  36. PaiviTuuli
  37. papunen
  38. pikkumyy15
  39. raanolli
  40. Rallu
  41. ri-tu
  42. Rihva
  43. Rohtola
  44. Sancyria
  45. Sanna
  46. Savolax
  47. Seijafi
  48. Shireya
  49. Silpa
  50. Sinnika
  51. SiskoSin
  52. sonyfj
  53. T2
  54. Tallu
  55. Tatuhi
  56. Tiikkis
  57. Toveri
  58. tuulamla
  59. VeeraInkeri
  60. Vivalditha

Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

This postcard is so cute :pleading_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: have a great time ya all!


I will be glad to exchange )))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Hello! Would anyone like to swap this card with me? I can send you any of the cards in the picture, from Genoa, Italy. Kiitos paljon, Irene


Excuse me, but would someone like to exchange this postcard with me? These are my postcards

1 Like

Hi, can i swap?

I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album
Or all cards on google

Доброе утро. Буду рада обменяться, обменник https://vk.com/album24586383_304079472

Hello there! Is there someone who want to exhange this card with me?

Kiitos @Rohtola for the lovely card.

1 Like

@Savolax , thank you so much for your postcard, i am very happy that i get one from this meeting.
Greetings from the rainy Black Forest to Finland :slight_smile:

Dear @Vivalditha,
thanks a lot for this great meetup card, I was very pleased that you thought of me.

@dollart Many thanks for the beautiful meetup card

@dollart thank you dear Heidi for this amazing gift! The card is super pretty!!! HUGS!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: