Spring meet up in Veliky Novgorod

:world_map:  Великий Новгород / Veliky Novgorod:
:pushpin:  Library named after Balashova/Библиотека им. Балашова:
:alarm_clock:  13.03.2021 12-00:
:page_facing_up:  sign postcards, communicate/ подписывать открытки,общаться:

card for swap
The green girl is my own art (sherlocked_nata):art:
forget-me-not photo and editing by alionahoma and pathetiquejazz


Здравствуйте! какая красота! скажите, пожалуйста, есть ли у Вас открыточки на обмен? что могу Вам предложить? С уважением.Зоя

Hello, I’m Jme from Japan. :slight_smile: May I swap one postcard with you? You may find my available postcards from my IG account @jme.swaps :slight_smile:
I hope you find something you like.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Hello! I would be happy to swap with you. Can I get this card https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkfpzBH-me/? Which one would you like, with a girl or with forget-me-nots?

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Hello! :slight_smile:
Sure, I can send you that one.
I want the girl one :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Great! Please write your address

Hello :slight_smile:
I messaged you my mailing address.
Please let me know of your mailing address too. Thank you :slight_smile:


Hey,I am willing to have a exchange about both 2 cards
here are my offers:https://www.flickr.com/photos/191117800@N03/albums

Hello! Sorry for keeping you wait for my reply. I have both cards but unwritten at the meet-up. I can write alone, or I can ask my postcrossing friends to write in 7-10 days or something like that.

Hello! Sorry for keeping you waiting for the reply . I have one forget-me-not card left and we can swap :slight_smile:

both them are ok
is there any card you interested in?
I want to exchange both of them!