Spring in Southern Ontario, Canada

April showers bring May flowers. Right? :tulip::sunflower::hibiscus::tulip::sunflower::hibiscus:
Since the wee hours of this morning (last night), thunder storms across southern Ontario. Some areas in south-west Ontario have been issued tornado warnings. Our tornado season is April 10-October 10. So, the weather is early.
Check out this brief video of the CN Tower in Toronto, struck by lightning last night (click the link) - you might miss it, if you blink:

Happy spring! :tulip:


After a morning of ice pellets and freezing rain here in Ottawa (1-2 cm accretion), we are now having thunderstorms and possibility of flooding.
Happy spring! I saw a very befuddled robin out in this (^)

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I live in Southwest Ga. We had thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hail too yesterday. I hope that there was no damage to your property.

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Tornadoes usually miss where I am presently living @tatteredbutterfly67, but they are certainly scary for those who experience them. I’ve been in two, while living in the country. Once we hunkered down in a ditch (phew!) and another time in our root cellar. The noise, the wind, the speed, the power all quite staggering.
And still, our tornadoes are not as frightful nor as destructive as those we have seen on the news in recent weeks barrelling through so many US states. I read this week that there are double the average of tornadoes for this time of year in the US. Yikes!

Since moving to Minnesota a little more than 10 years ago, I have experienced my fair share of thunderstorms, thunder snow, hail, tornado (watches and warnings).

But this week … I don’t know.
We woke up to 10 cm (4 in) of proper concrete snow on Friday, which was mostly melted by Saturday. Sunday morning we left for our spring break road trip from SE MN to Central Missouri - about 500 miles.south and temperatures rose from a chilly ~5°C (40°F) to a summerly ~25°C (80’s F). Last night our Airbnb neighbors knocked on our door at 4 am to alarm us if a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch and took us with them to the shelter. It was impressive to see the lightning over the lake!

Now it’s back to regular Midwest spring … Temporary greeting from St. Louis!

It seems like they were touching down all around us. It didn’t get us, but the towns on either side of us both had them touch down. Tornado are pretty common this time of year and they can be scary, but Hurricanes are the really scary ones.

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