Spreewald Meeting 12.06.21 in Lübben

Me too Ute! Let’s see travel restrictions by then. I will have my vaccination card ready!
It will be great o see you again! Cheers!

Would like to join the meeting and get 25 cards if possible, how can I proceed? Thx!

Looking forward to meet you in person.
If you want the 25 cards in advance, send me your address and pay 7,50 € plus 1,55 € for postage by Paypal to chrisskywalker@msn.com.
Kind regards


grad überwiesen, danke dir!

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Mein Brief mit den Karten geht heute noch raus sodass Du diese spätestens an Samstag haben solltest.
Gruß aus Berlin-Biesdorf

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hi I am from China. Could I swap card with you? thank you!

hey :stuck_out_tongue: I would like to Join the meet up :smiley: from Hamburg

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Hey, did I have to take Part in the meetup to order some of the Cards? :grimacing:
I would love to buy some Meet-up Cards but I cant come to the Meeting.

Hmmmm, good question. Do you know any of the participants? If so, you could ask them to send you a signed card. Being honest, I prefer to keep the cards for the participants.
Holger (chrisskywalker)

How does a meeting like this work (especially now during Covid) ? Can I go with my Boyfriend together ?
Maybe I could do something about it. :see_no_evil:

If its still possible then I would take Part in the Meeting with my Boyfriend together. :grimacing:

Hello Chantal,
I think positive and hope that the meeting will take place even though, the restrictions/measurements change nearly every day :frowning: There are still a couple of weeks left until the meetup, being vaccinated will be an advantage for sure. Let’s wait until begin of June, maybe we are more free to move by then. Coming with your boyfriend is OK. I will keep any one informed for sure :wink:

I don’t think I’ll be vaccinated by then. But, of course, I could take a test in the morning of the day.

Yes, then we both would definitely like to participate if possible.
Then I could buy postcards from you, too, right? :thinking::see_no_evil:

I nearly ran out of meeting cards. Ordered 500 and might have only 60 left. I wont reorder. If you need some, let me know. Even if the meeting can’t take place, I will go to Lübben for sure and mail all ordered cards from there, most likely will all signatures.

Ich hab dir mal geschrieben :slight_smile:

Falls noch welche da sind würde ich gern 10 Karten nehmen. Kann ich diese dann beim Meeting bekommen und vor Ort bar bezahlen? Dankr dir schon mal. :upside_down_face: Hoffen wir mal, dass es wirklich stattfinden kann! :pray:t2:

Ja, Du kannst 10 Karten beim Meeting bekommen und auch dort bezahlen.

I want to join this meeting

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Please just 5-6 postcards , dort beim Treffen wenn möglich ,DANKE !

Ich werde versuchen, Dir 6 Karten auf zu heben.