Spider card lottery (CLOSED)

I have a card with a close up photo of a British spider. I know there’s a lot of people who wouldn’t appreciate receiving this, so I thought it would be a good idea to find someone who definitely would. UK only please. I won’t post a photo to avoid upsetting anyone, and also so that the recipient can have a nice (shudder) surprise.

Number yourselves please, by midnight 10 June, to be drawn and posted on 11th.


this would be great! I love spooky things :spider: :spider_web:
1 @rhiandroid_123

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#2 @wormole

Hey, I love all creatures - even spiders :spider:
Thanks for the lottery :grin:

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I wish I had one for each of you but
@postbot roll 1d2


:game_die: 1

@rhiandroid_123 Congratulations - please pm your address