Spain 🇪🇸 Postcard Sizes and Shape Restrictions

I’m on holiday in Tenerife at the moment and would like to send some cards from here. However, I can’t seem to find any information about postcard shapes and sizes and what restrictions are on them. I know in some countries, shaped cards have to be sent in envelopes and sometimes larger or thicker cards are more expensive to send.

I’ve purchased a range of cards, including circular cards, square cards, long panorama type cards, 3D lenticular cards and thicker wooden type cards.

Does anyone know if all of these types of cards can be sent with the normal postcard rate (which I know differs by destination country)?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi Georgia! Let’s see if I can explain all this right :slight_smile:

In Spain we have the standard postcard rate, called “normalizada”, which refers to rectangular postcards weighing no more than 20 gr, within these measures:

Width: 140 to 235 mm
Heigth: 90 to 120 mm
Thickness: up to 5 mm

If your postcard is “normalizada” type, you can use the A, B, C and D stamps that I think you’re familiar with (A for Spain, B for Europe except Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Georgia, Malta, Moldavia and Russia), C for outside Europe (Including Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Georgia, Malta and Moldavia), and D specifically for the USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand).

If your postcard is not “normalizada” type, meaning for example that it weighs more than 20 gr, or is circular shaped, or is rectangular but has a width over 235 mm, you have to add extra postage to it. This is the postage that you need to add:

If your card is going to Spain, in addition to an A stamp, you need 0.10€ (Going from 0,75€ to 0,85€).
If your card is going to a B destiny, in addition to a B stamp, you need 0.30€ (going from 1,65€ to 1,95€)
If your card is going to a C destiny, in addition to a C stamp, you need 0.50€ (going from 1,75€ to 2,25€)
And finally, if your card is going to the USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, Australia or New Zealand, in addition to a D stamp, you need 0,50€ (going from 2,10€ to 2,60€).

I would also like you to know that you can always add up stamps to cover the postage and it doesn’t matter if you mix “letter” stamps (Those ABCD stamps) with face value stamps (0,10€ for example). In some Correos offices they will tell you that letter and value stamps can’t be mixed on the same postcard, but don’t listen to them, you totally can combine them. Always keeping in mind the value of the stamp you’re using of course!

I’m sorry if I made things a little more complicated for you, but blame it on Correos España :sweat_smile: Let me know if you have any other questions :grin:


@SnowsNFurter Thank you SO much!! This answers every single question I had (and more!)

It’s really good to know I can mix and match the stamps, as that was going to be my next question! From what you’ve said, it actually looks like I can send most of the cards with the normal letter stamps, only the shaped ones will need the additional face value stamps.

Thank you again! I really appreciate it :blush: