Space MeetUp in Kurgan

:world_map: Kurgan, Russia
:pushpin:MestoProTesto (Gogolya 83)
:alarm_clock: 11th of April 2021, at 01.00 pm
:page_facing_up:Sign cards, drink tea, chat!


Может кто-то хочет обменяться на эту открытку? Могу отправить карточку со встречи в Минске 17.04


I would love to have a copy of your meet up postcard. I hope i can offer anything for this. Thanks

Hello, I like this card. Could you switch with me?
My offer is here:

Hi, there

Is anyone have this meetup card and willing to do a swap?

It will be easier to find an exchange if you place your exchanger or show what you offer for an exchange

my offers of meetup cards:

1 Like

Hello This is Edna from China:)

I am interested to swap with this meetup pc

I can offer you Qingdao meetup card

Greetings from Chongqing,China

is there any chance to exchange?

here are my offers,including some meetup cards :grin:

Здравствуйте. Хотелось бы на обмен получить открытку. Что для этого нужно сделать?

i would like to swap
do you interest?