So many expired cards... (both sent and received)

Hi everyone -

as of today I have 49 expired cards.
8 are to Ukraine and as we don’t know how their mail service can function under these difficult circumstances it is open if they ever arrived at their destination.
Then China and Taiwan - 10 - mail to there is just slow and some of these postcrossers are ghostcrossers.
Sad that some of the recipients have not been seen for months: Italy, Denmark, Spain, USA, France - hope they have a lovely holiday!

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So my beginner’s luck has clearly run out, I have the largest number of expired cards I’ve ever had, and a handful are coming close to one year gone :sob:

Anyone else finding delivery times are more sporadic than ever, and on the increase again?

Actually their Post Office is quite good in that they list the districts/postal codes they are able to deliver to and Postcrossing is using that list.

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I’m down to 10 expired, and some of those are near the one year mark. At the beginning of the year I had more than 50 expired. I was so dejected I started a spreadsheet watch the progress.

:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

How demoralising! Were many of them registered before they dropped off the system?

Maybe I’m just really lucky and my experience has skewed positive so far? I’ve lost only 3 cards off the system. And maybe just one that auto-registered when the recipient closed their account.

If as a newbie I had had more that were never registered, I’m not sure I’d find the cost of Postcrossing (for us Australians, at least) to be worth the risk!