Snowy forum tradition

(Apologies if someone has asked this elsewhere - I couldn’t find it anywhere.)

I wondered if the new forum will be carrying on the tradition of the old and featuring a gentle snowfall through the month of December? :cloud_with_snow:

Does the new technology support our customary snow?


With a bit of tweaking, I think we’ve we made it work! :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

Edit to add: only on the light mode though, because snow is too hard to see in the dark! :sweat_smile: If you’re using the dark theme, switch over to the default theme to get some snow.


A post was merged into an existing topic: :white_check_mark: Hard to read text with the winter background

I love the snow winter design on the homepage.


Could this be location based? In the southern hemisphere it is summer now… That would bee cool ;-).