Small question for my article on postcrossing

Friends, I have never written on forums before, including this one, so I apologize if I am doing something wrong.

I am Larisa, I am creating a small journal project and I ask you to take part in the creation of an article about postcrossing, for this you need to answer the question in detail in a Google form. The answer may appear in the first issue, which will be released in the fall of 2023. Answer in your language.

Question: Tell us about your first postcard, your first postcrossing experience. Emotions, thoughts, feelings, what is remembered, etc.


If for some reason you cannot use the form, you can write here your answer, your name or nickname.

When the project is released, I will show it here as well.

Thank you very much! :sunny:


Very nice! Wish you to get a lot of answers!

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Thank you very much for your time! I have already received 5 replies. I am so glad :smiling_face:

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