Small Envelope Question

Can anyone tell me why this size of envelope is not mailable?

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3.5 x 5" is the smallest legal mailing size for an envelope in the US.

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Bah humbug :triumph:

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I know. I’m also a scrapbooker and card-maker and I love making small cards but it stinks because I can’t mail them in a fitting envelope. I could mail them in a bigger envelope but I don’t like that they flop around in a big envelope lol!

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So what would actually happen? If it has the correct address and a first class stamp are you telling me that they still would not deliver it? I know that the USPS has delivered some weird things like sandals and coconuts why wouldn’t they mail a small envelope?

Might get delivered if you pay non-machinable postage :woman_shrugging:

They delivered a US-posted teeny tiny (credit card sized) official postcard to me once. It arrived in a “damaged in transit” bag and postage due. But they delivered it.