SLAM DUNK Fans Meetup in Taoyuan, Apr,01, 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taoyuan City
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: No. 61, Zhongguang Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320003 , Taiwan
:calendar: DATE: 2023/4/1
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:30-13:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Share the collection of peripheral products, discuss movie plots.
Gathering ,sharing postcrossing’s experiences, writing and sending postcards.

Hello !

We are going to have a meetup in Taoyuan city on Apr,01.


As a fan of SLAM DUNK, we must celebrate the birthday of the protagonist Sakuragi Hanamichi.

So I’m going to hold a meetup on Hanamichi Sakuragi’s birthday.

I hope that fans who have actually read this work and really love it will attend this meetup.

I prepared 1 special meetup postcard.


Date: 01.Apr, 2023

Time: 11:30~ 13:30

City: Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City


DUTE coffee & bar 獨特咖啡

No. 61, Zhongguang Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320003 , Taiwan

Cost: the minimum order is one drink.


Share the collection of peripheral products, discuss movie plots.

Gathering ,sharing postcrossing’s experiences, writing and sending postcards.

Since the restaurant needs to be reserved, please MUST contact me first if you want to participate.

I have reserved seats so it is very limited.


I am looking to exchange this card without signatures. Will be happy to send you profile based offers via dm. Thank you.

Want to attend! But I have work that day till 12:30. Is that ok? Will catch up the rest part of the party.
Thank you!

Good afternoon. Looking for an exchange

Hello, I’m looking for an exchange for this beautiful postcard.

:four_leaf_clover: Looking for an exchange. My albums Collection: Exchange

I would like to swap :blush:

Hi! Is anyone interested for a swap? I’m a big slam dunk fan! I can offer you Moscow and meetup cards! Please dm me if you want to swap :heart_eyes:

Hi, can i swap?

I can offer cards from our meet up

or swap album

Hello! I’m really looking for swap! My offer in instagram