Size of card

I have always given and received postcards the are about 31/2 inches by 51/2 inches. Recently, I bought some larger cards: 41/2 inches by 61/2 inches. Is it okay to send these larger cards?

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Yes! There isn’t any size rules for postcards. Some members prefer to receive “standard” sized because they are using albums to keep the cards, but they usually mention that on profile so you don’t need to worry about it. I have sent and received cards of different sizes.

However, I do not know if the post office in your country has any size rules for postage. Some asks for more postage for larger cards/letters.

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Unfortunately, while we can receive basically anything, DeutschePost is rather strict about what sizes and shapes we can send. In fact, I recently had an envelope, which I bought as a normal-size B6 envelope (and others of which in the set I have used before), returned to me, demanding that instead of €1,10 I affix €3,70 in postage. I checked, and the envelope is in fact 12.8 cm instead of 12.5 cm “tall.” I guess I was lucky the other envelope went thorough, but really… 3mm off and they want another €1.60?

@bonmcmurray I think your envelopes are well within sending size for most nations, but if you buy anything in a really unusual size or shape, I recommend checking online to see if it can be sent “as is” or needs to be put in an envelope, or requires extra postage (square cards from the U.S., as an example, require extra postage)

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There are lots of cards 5" X 7" or even larger and then there’s the unusual shaped cards too!

I have once received an A4 sized postcard and several A5 sized ones

The biggest cards I have received so far are A5 (14,8 cm x 21,0 cm).