Singaporeans and Johorans... Post Office in JB?

Hi hi…
I visited Malaysia many times and I have sooo many postcards from there. I send them sometimes from Singapore when people are not too fussed about the “country of origin” thing. But being so close to Malaysia, it is tempting to take a day-trip and just send a lot. It sounds fun.

Questions being…
Is there a specific post office in JB that will definitely have stamps and not find it weird that I go there to send a bunch of cards? Well they can find it weird as long as they can help me… :smiley:
Where is this located? Opening times?

Overall, is this a good idea, or a bad idea with little chance of success? :smiley:

I don’t go to JB often, in fact I have only been once, so I am not familiar as many Singaporeans are (well I am also not Singaporean but that doesn’t matter in this case ;)). Of course, I will also find some nice food and some other things to do, but a post-office trip would be fun and a good way to make the most of a day-trip. Ideally I’d go on a weekend but I could also take a day off at some point. I am aware of avoiding certain times when there is jam at the causeway :smiley:
just ignore the courier service - its the general post office (of sorts). Probably has a more varied stamp variety than other post offices, most notably those in Malaysian shopping malls (basically only definitives).
This opens 8am (also please ignore the courier service!) but not sure what time it closes.

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Thanks! I’ll update if I get to give it a try…

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I went to JB’s general post office last Friday (May 31st) to send Malaysia-China 50 years diplomatic FDCs to my friends in China. They sold definitive stamps and new commemorative issues. But the commemorative stamps go very fast, only two issues were available when I was there.
I did send a bunch of cards and covers on that day, it definitely is not a weird thing in Post office. :wink:
The post office is very near to the custom, 10-15min walk time.