Show your Celebrity 🕺 Postcards (Sent or Received)

This is mine:

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I love when someone sends me celebrity from their own country.

Enno Bunger, Germany musician. Now he is on my Spotify playlist.

Leningrad, also known as Gruppirovka Leningrad and Bandformirovanie Leningrad, is a popular Russian rock band from Saint Petersburg, led by Sergey “Shnur” Shnurov. Composed of 14 members, the band was founded in the late 1990s

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Some Dutch celebrities :netherlands:

Singer/songwriter Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation):

Saxophonist Candy Dulfer:

Queen Máxima:


From Ukraine :ukraine: Ivan Franko

Sent: Coronation of Empress Elisabeth of Austria


The lovely Corny Collins.

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Oh I would die for that Sharon postcard! <3

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Postcard CZ-1930184


wow! Love it

Bizarre, but here it is:


I received cards with Freddie Mercury and Leonardo DiCaprio

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Aside from various members of the British royal family, I have sent this one of David Niven

Thomas Hardy

And Charlie Chaplin

I have received Shirley Temple

Beatrix Potter

Albert Einstein

Miss Russia 1932!

John Wyndham

Audrey Hepburn

Rudi Carrell and Beatrice Richter

I had no idea I’ve received so many!! Postcrossing is wonderful :gift_heart:


Martha Ellis Gellhorn ,an American novelist, travel writer, and journalist


I’ve loved receiving this card a while ago! :slight_smile:


Jensen Ackles

The one and only: Freddie Mercury

And also “comicart” onces:

Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) & Laura (Dafne Keen)

Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) & Fox Mulder (David Duchovny)

I love them all and hope there will be more in the future with Celebrities. :slight_smile:


I’ve sent these:

David Bowie

Portuguese Fado singer Amália Rodrigues

And Portuguese writer/poet Fernando Pessoa


Some sent cards with (non-Dutch) celebrities:

Audrey Hepburn (whose mother was Dutch) & author Colette:

Sophia Loren:

Queen Elizabeth II & sister Margaret:

Prince Charles in 1981:

The Beatles famously crossing Abbey Road in 1969:


Very nice topic!

I received only one celebrity card so far, a Beethoven card from Bonn, where he was born.

As for those I sent:
The great Albrecht Dürer (sent from France, it’s a French maxicard from 1981)

The genius Nikola Tesla (sent from Serbia, postcards featuring him were sold in the Post offices in Belgrad) :serbia:

The singer Tose Proeški, a real Macedonian icon! He died at the age of 26 and had state funeral and gave his name to the big stadium of Skopje. I bought this postcard on Kreuševo, his hometown, where there is now a museum dedicated to him. I strongly recommend you to visit Kreuševo by the way :macedonia:

Austrian actress Romy Schneider, who lived in France (sent from France ; the postcard was promoting an exhibition about her career in a museum in Paris. I also put a stamp with French actress Jeanne Moreau on the top of the postcard)

Grand duke of Lithuania Vytautas, who ruled on a territory which includes today’s Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine (Lithuania was the biggest European country under his reign). Sent from Lithuania :lithuania: