Show your ad/free cards

It was published by one of the two big free card companies here in my region. I can’t remember which one though (I picked it up in a pub, the library or similar… there are always lots of free cards here). Here’s the English version:


It’s brilliant- post Covid when I am back in Germany methinks.


The receiver of my free ad card cross-stiched the pattern!




One of the things I enjoy happen to be picking the nice free art AD cards from art galleries, museums, bookstores, exhibitions, etc.

Recently, I got this wonderful free art AD card at a local bookstore and thought I would share it with you all. The name of the artist is junaida and he is from Japan.

Do you happen to have nice free art AD cards you picked from above mentioned places too? If yes, please show us :slight_smile:


I don’t send a lot of ad cards, only when it’s a good match (and the recipient doesn’t oppose). I like that there’s so much variety in topics. A few of my sent ad cards:


About ‘demeter’ which is an international quality mark for biodynamic agriculture and processing.
On the postcard: Dit voelt goed! This feels good!


Whether I stumble accross them in bookshops, festivals or touristic spots, I really end up quite frequently finding little free gems!
If there is an ad taking the space all over the writing side, I just stick a colored paper on top of it on all its length. It’s invisible, and honestly I find it looking nicer than most “real” cards I bought, because I spend more time on hiding the “ad side” of them :slight_smile:
Here are some I’ve been keeping in my drawers, waiting to find the perfect person.

And some i’ve already sent:


I sent this one from a favorite local wine bar and cafe, to a member who welcomed ad cards.

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In the German forum part we have an Ad/free cards monthly RR. From time to time I love to participate.

Here are some of the cards I received through it. Some are also from other sources

There used to be an organisation in Australia called AvantCard that distributed free art cards and ad cards. I was so sad when they released their last card in 2017 :frowning:

Here are some of the ones I still have in my stash:

This was their final card:


I haven’t come across too many ad cards, but here’s a couple fun ones from local restaurants/cafes

I also have one more in my stash from a local performer, not sure what I’m going to do with this one yet :joy:


Oh I love the Peguin Bloom one so lovely. Reminds me a lot of the days I raised a crow myself as it was fallen out of the nest.

There was a whole series of those Penguin Bloom postcards, and they were all SOOO cute. I think I sent most of them out already. Here’s another one which I sent out that happened to get uploaded:


Two more cute ones I picked up recently

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Here ae some ad postcards I had for a long time. Personally, I wouldn’t mind recieving one of those as long as it’s beautifully designed. (That’s subjective, but still…)


These are my postcards from Mozilla China. I got this because I help translate Mozilla’s project.


wow these are beautiful and really great job you did ^^

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I have tons of promotional cards. Some of them are really beautiful. Anyone interested in swapping can write to me.

These are just a few to look at.