Show us your World Postcard Day 2023 designs!


I was not quite ready to buy cards, so luckily I did not buy any of the previous motif. But in case I would have done so, I would still use them. Either on family an friends outside of Postcrossing or maybe „hide“ them in a local place with some nice words on them. I am thinking of a library, a bus seat or pinned on the post box.


Great idea

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Maybe you can send them to schools, nursing homes, or people outside Postcrossing who’d like some happiness in their mail. You can find many of them in #postcrossing:education or #trades-requests-offers:spread-the-joy categories in this forum. :slight_smile:


I think you could also use them inside Postcrossing. The card was not suitable for the contest because it violated the rules of the contest but it doesn’t violate the rules of Postcrossing. Plus I think few people printed it (rare card) and given its particular convoluted history some may consider it special. I hope I get one!


I somekind agree with Hector. The card is not forbitten to be sent. Won’t mind to receive one too. Even other designas are nicer


Beautiful postcard.
I hope nobody complaints again about gender and color of the person on the card :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

I hope our post office will print it again this year and give it for free to customers like last year :smile:


This is really beautiful and I think it captures totally the idea of sending a postcard, I’d really like to have the design to send it on the 1st of October this year. How could I get it, please? :smile:

Actually, statically there is a blue moon once per year! A blue moon is the second full moon in one calendar month, and there are 12 months in a year and 13 lunar cycles, so one month will have a double full moon!
I still love the card though!


Hi !
Yes, I would love to swap with you again. Thank you for your offer :slight_smile: Message sent !

Thank you for the lovely compliment! Feel free to download the image above, a few other users have already done the same and the print quality seems to be fine.

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As I’ll use it , I’d like to send it to you (or a Spanish design if you wish) on the 1st of October. Could I have your address if you wish, please?

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This is mine :slight_smile: I’m by no means an artist but I enjoy drawing and Postcrossing so I thought I’d join in!


sooo cute @redharry Love it a lot :heart:



Letter birds, I love it!

My design for this year came back from the printer, so this is it:


@Wolfsmondfee thank you so much for sharing this wonderful and amazing postcard. You did a great job! I really like it and can already feel the warm postal hugs everyone will experience after opening the letterbox and taking this card out of it. Thanks for sharing such positive moments via your creativity and passion for own designed postcards.

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I appreciate all cards, but this one is definitely my favourite :heart_eyes:

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That’s awesome !!

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