Show us your World Postcard Day 2023 designs!

You pretty much have to make things neutral these days because of the way things are to be politically correct. If “X” group isn’t represented then it creates an issue and therefore nothing will ever make everyone completely happy but it doesn’t matter there will still be people unhappy and it will cause issues no matter what. So even there is no solution then :expressionless:

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I personally liked that it is a man on the card. Why not? And I don’t need to be male to understand/feel that person.
Althought it doesn’t matter anymore :smiley:


Doesn’t man also mean human, a person?

Someone will be offended that it looks dead.

The weird expectation, when some people wait it to represent postcrossers and postcrossing community, and/or express their happiness when they find such. (Which is of course fine edit. the happiness if they find something they like, even when it was not the theme.)

To me it’s like a dog photo contest. Complaining of no cats being there, and when there is, “that should have won, there is a cute cat”.

And I’m thinking, are people not understanding the theme, or are they intentionally trying to ruin this contest, had this happened no matter who won?

I wasn’t writing what I see, or what I don’t :hugs:
only curious why so big importance on the topic that this theme wasn’t about.

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I totally agree

And I also don’t see any sense to discuss now about an image being disqualified.

The only weird thing for me was that it had no mouth.


I just think this thread has gone reeeally off topic.
I’m flagging this post for moderators to check the thread.


(@BuonaFortuna you could edit your post and leave out your evaluation of what you think of me as a person, it’s not this topic, and not friendly. Opinions are opinions, but it’s not ok to go to a person, or think you can tell me when I stop the discussion. )

I’m thinking, maybe it would be best option this year not to announce the winner at all?

I’d like to see more World Postcard Day 2023 designs!



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I think because it started already before it was disqualified.

(I did see a mouth there though, the shadow under the chin was also mouth, when you looked that it a way that the cheeks were eyes. So I saw two faces there, I don’t know if it was intentional or my way to look at it.)

But: I would still advise not to publish the cards yet, because the winner can’t be published before or during the contest.

(But I am curious to see them too, when the winner is announced, and hope people have manners to accept and appreciate the winner then too.)

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That is a very interesting option, although there’s the chance that this option would disappoint a lot of people. I’m not sure how I would feel about it either.

Me, too. :blush:
But I totally understand if the participants are reluctant in doing so now with everything being on hold and by sharing may risk to win.
I’m patient


So would I, but maybe not until the final winner is revealed. I don’t understand the intricacies of the competition problems, but I would hate for another person to be disqualified because their image was published somewhere else first.

If there is one thing I have learnt from Postcrossing, it is that good things cannot be rushed.


I know. I would like to see the winner too,
But thinking if this were my contest, is this the audience I would like to announce the winner to, to this behaviour?

Maybe it could be announced on the World Postcard Day -page, and here only link to that?

Maybe that could also help in understanding that it’s not supposed to be about Postcrossing only?

I does not matter anymore, because it was not a picture of the illustrator and another card will be the official card :wink:

Yes you are correct.

Actually it began with many complaints that the judges are all white long before the contest was closed :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:


If the new winner showing the images of “white people” again, I think there will be another complaint :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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This is probably true… sadly. Okay I’m white but honnestly I won’t care if the person is black, white, pink, trans, blue, female, a child, a redhead, a elderly, a bear, a pidgeon, a unicorn, rainbow coloured or whatever… :slight_smile:


I think it can be a ghoul disguise as a normal looking human male.

Funny :laughing: to read through this all discussion!

Just to remind everyone this thread is going off topic!

Stay in the course and take a deep breath.

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In today’s digital world, it is a sin to be a straight white male :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:
I am country music fan and I was labeled racist and misogynist supporter on twitter because today’s country music is dominated by white male singers. What’s wrong with that? Pop music is dominated by young beautiful girls, rap is dominating by black male, r&b is dominating by black male and female.