Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

:star_struck: @william_tsypin … beautiful work! :clap::tada::bouquet:

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I have a question for the Dutch, Belgium and German. Meetups are nice and creative. But a friend of mine and me would like to set up a meetup some day for people who create cards instead of buying and then do what you do on a meetup. Would people be interested? Be creative with others. Let others also sign your made card and send them. :heart:


thats so cool! amazing idea and amazing that it even works :heart:

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They are great!! You gave me inspiration to try to make one myself :smiley: so thank you! And also a thank you to @LaWendeltreppe for the Polaroid picture!


This looks beautiful :heart_eyes:

You did awesome work :clap:

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Oddly satisfying

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I didn’t mean at all about what you think is overwhelming or what is your/anyone’s opinion, or if you don’t mind reading it, but this, the start of this thread says,:

“It would be really great if you try to post your comment on the cards shown in one post instead of creating a new post for every comment. You can quote several posts in one answer. That makes reading the topic much easier, especially for those who access on mobile devices.”

So, not think about only yourself, but those others, who maybe do mind and have trouble, maybe slower connection :hugs:

This is why I thought it’s reasonable to assume this topic is about the pictures mostly, not over 10 (I think) posts that were only thank you and apparently some posts one could pm, unless: those offers are for all of us :slight_smile: ? Were those?

Also I think I was bored because the thread jumped back to older ones, and then the off topics and thank were there again :face_exhaling: and no new art to see.

In my opinion, if someones says “great card”, there is no need to reply to each those, instead one can for example heart it too. And that I think what the bolded note also means.

@Hemang you too for example, you could combine those thank posts, or like those posts instead of writing three separate posts.

That’s what I mean, and what I understand is the wish from the team. Not what some single persons think is overwhelming for them.

Of course it only says try :slight_smile: , and someone don’t know how to do it etc.

Oh wow! Well done!

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Please see the moderators note on the top of the whole topic:

It would be really great if you try to post your comment on the cards shown in one post instead of creating a new post for every comment. You can quote several posts in one answer. That makes reading the topic much easier, especially for those who access on mobile devices.

I think there’s been some exchange about how much discussion besides showing your artwork should be allowed in this topic. If you’d like to continue this discussion, please open a PM and invite all users who participated in that discussion so far (including me) please.

If you don’t know how to combine your reactions to several posts into one post:
If you mark some text in that post and click “quote”, the chosen text will appear in your post. If you do so for several posts before sending your message, all will be shown in one post.

Also I think it’s easy to use the :heart: under each post to show your appreciation for the artwork shown.

I don’t want to forbid discussion about the shown artworks in this topic, this would be necessary to be discussed with all the moderating team first. Sometimes users ask questions about the creating process and things like that, so that should still be possible here, I think.

This is supposed to be a fun topic.

Please offer swaps in Postcards (you can use the tag/label handmade and/or mailart in addition to make it easier to find for everyone). Or you can ask people for swaps for their artwork shown via personal message.

Please thank others for swaps via PM or in the swap topic where the swap was offered.

If you think there’s anything else that needs to be discussed about this topic, please send a PM to me, thanks!

Edited a few hours later:

Please see the addition that was added to the first post of this topic. Thanks!



What I made today :joy:


Amazing !

A card in tribute to Agatha Christie


This is the envelope a tag to one PostCrossing forum member went out in today!


2 cards sent out today.
Made a card of a stamp, she requested and did not have.
And our eurovision songcontest singer.
Europapa :rofl:


We LOVE this Joost song at my house :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Reminds me of what Oscar Wilde reportedly said when he entered the U.S. on a tour and a customs agent asked him if he had anything to declare. Wilde answered “Only my genius.”


All the cards I send are hand made.


ok, this ones not done yet