Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

As always @william_tsypin your artwork is stunning, so much talent, I always adore how neat and well put together everything is.

So glad the Polaroids are making people happy. I think wurzelsofie and I should send you some more…


Thank you! More people need to know about this calendar for sure, and I’m incredibly grateful that you’ve sent some polaroids my way :blush:


Thank you so much for such kind words! I honestly don’t think it’s talent, I just like putting papers together and gluing them down. Still, always great to know when people find things I make appealing :grin:

I think you’ve sent me an incredible amount of things already, but if you’re willing to part with some more polaroids, just let me know - I’ll be happy to swap.


Believe me it is talent! One can see this in the way everything harmonizes. This is not easy. Take it from s.o. who knows a thing or two about it. :wink:


I just love these cards of yours :heart_eyes:
Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you for your kind comment! It means a lot :grin:

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Hello !

I made 2 stitching postcard today :



Oh Just wow. They are absolutely great :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Always a pleasure viewing your art!

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Beautiful. The first one is adorable :star_struck:

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Thank you so much!

Thank you! It’s great to have a place and community where I can share some of things I make :grin:


Could you please thank in one post or write pm about your swaps and offers, it gets heavy to read this now, I think most people like to look the art, not read others discussion.

Edit. At least when I see new post, I think “new picture :star_struck:” and then it’s just chat. Like this now, sorry :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I understand this topic is made for sharing cards and mail art, but I think it’s inevitable that sometimes a small conversation would start. Still, I sincerely apologize if this made the thread difficult to read, I’ll try my best to avoid excessive off-topic messages in the future.


I drew one yesterday and I’m very satisfied😉


Maybe, just thinking that when sometimes chat in random thoughts is flagged and told to write pm, that topic for me is not so clear topic-topic like this.

Looks always strange this type of different treatment, others allowed to write off topic and chat, others not :frowning:

(And it’s not only my thought/wish, if someone gets annoyed when I mention this, it’s in the topic top too, to try to combine the messages or something like that).

Oh and I didn’t mean only you William! It was a general/passive you, more like we :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think there was an overwhelming amount of chat. I personally don’t mind reading it, it can be interesting too and I definitely prefer that style to only a gallery without any chat :upside_down_face: We shouldn’t feel afraid to post our reaction to someone’s post. Unless there were posts removed, it was still on topic and nothing too distracting in my opinion :person_shrugging:


Here is a collage I had incredible fun with, a while ago. I hope to find time to make more of such collages:


Wow, this is incredible! I like the surreal look of this collage, and how all the elements go really well together :grin:

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Cross stitch QR code that I sent to my sister today :face_with_hand_over_mouth: It really works, too :slightly_smiling_face:

This is where it takes you