Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

Thank you :slight_smile: Iā€™ve stitched a few anatomical hearts, those were the first cards I made. Iā€™m sure the blue and red threads will look great.
I normally use 300gsm cardstock. Thinner cardstocks can tear easily. I cover up any hanging threads on the back with cello tape and then I glue a paper/thinner card on the back to make it look neat.


Thanks for the encouragement :blush:

I really think Iā€™ll try, it seems like so much fun, and I can get old magazines and books from workā€¦

As for sharing, well. Iā€™ll need to practice first.

What do I use for the actual card, the card stock?

I use old foodpackages like cereal boxes that I cut into postcard-size pieces. Sometimes I also get cardboard-sheets when I buy shirts and such (I suppose they add them to keep them stable) that have the perfect thickness for being used as postcards.

In Germany you can also buy blank postcards that are specially made for people who want do decorate them themselves, but I think any kind of cut-up cardboard will do just fine.


This one went out to a friend the other day. The caption reads ā€œIn many places citizens are not allowed to leave their house on New Yearā€™s Eveā€.(This was actually a headline in the newspaper because of the lockdown :laughing:)


Oh, that sounds pretty obvious now that you say it. Thank you so much. :smiley:

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I always buy blank postcards for it.

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I use those, too, but I always have some cardboard cut-outs for collages that are slightly bigger than the standard German postcard (but still within the permitted size range).

Thank you, that looks useful.

I am absolutely amazed by all the great artwork you guys show here. I want to join the handmade club, I just have to get started.


Wonderful @manuchka. Right now you already have started. The next step is just a little :crazy_face: :clown_face: :partying_face: away. Weā€™re looking for your handmade mail! :+1:


So do I. For some projects I bought more sturdy cards though:

300g/m2 or even 400g/m2 paper.

But I also keep all kinds of suitable cardboard that I can get hold of. :see_no_evil:
(Which is difficult if you have access to a printing place where there are MANY leftovers. After they laughed about me sitting next to the bin each time I visited, the others learned by now: They didnā€™t throw their leftovers into the recycling bin, but left some really neat piles for me :slight_smile: - But where will I store that?!?)


I would be very happy to receive any of these postcards. You are so talented! I love handmade postcards when they have been well done. Unfortunately, not everyone making handmade postcards takes pride in their work. Over the years, I have received some handmade postcards that consist of just scribbles and/or a few little stickers on the front of the card. I do not mind stickers on the back of a postcard; I use them myself all of the time. Before I send a handmade postcard out, I ask myself ā€œWould I want to receive this card?ā€ If the answer is no, then I need to work on that card some more or send another one.

When I look back on postcards that I made years ago, sometimes I cringe and say ā€œWhat was I thinking?ā€ But I think that this is to be expected. Practice makes perfect. Making cards is like anything else - the more one does something, the more that person is going to improve!


Another three handmade postcards which made their way into mailboxes:

e34w3q8oopeq9elbkhtfje0v3cy9f3q4 asrv4ldxw2joaqhlny9gubll10p6wnac


These are my latest ones. The first one goes to a friend who im not sure if she likes handmadeā€¦ second goes to an official who loves ballet and pink and artā€¦ not stating anything for handmades. Im just worried if sheā€™ll like it or not cause i put a bit of soul in it!

Im wondering if I should keep the designs and print someā€¦ what do you think?


Just curiousā€¦ did you use clipart for the ballet dancers?

Yes, definitely.
The Sundays in lockdown will be loved around the world, I think.
Iā€™d love to swap one of the printed ones with you :slight_smile:
The ballet dancers are also brilliant - definitely good enough for being printed!


i saw the image and hand drawn it with pencil, then ink and fill with black brush pen and bronze brush pen


whenever I manage to print them in high quality, i will get back to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

EDIT: Just realized brexit might have ruined my plan to moo-print those. Oh dearā€¦ we lost the only decent provider of goods in EU (in English)

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Wow, Iā€™m impressed! :star_struck:

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Anja, the dog of a friend.