Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

The one with the cow - GORGEOUS! :heart_eyes:

I used to draw my own postcards when I first started Postcrossing, but mostly stopped because it seems like the majority of profiles ask not to receive them.

Sometimes I still find a perfect magazine illustration/artwork that I just can’t resist making into a postcard though. :grinning: :heart_eyes::sparkles: like this one:

Here are some of my older hand-drawn postcards:


Oh, and this elaborate hand-drawn surreal architecture / cat utopia piece was bigger than a postcard but I snapped a photo and scaled it down to postcard size to send to people. :blush:

And this was one of those $0.99 paint-by-number projects that was meant for children, but I painted it myself as a grown-ass adult :joy: and then sent it as a postcard:


This makes me sad. :cry:

But your beautiful postcards make me happy. :heart_eyes:

Thanks for sharing! :heart:


If you like to participate in Forum-Games, there are several possibilities for exchanging handmade cards :slight_smile:

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I want to show you a beautiful card I received from @anon12838227:




I send them anyway! I just try extra hard to meet their requests or something on their profile WITH the handmade card. 9 times out of 10 they are well received and I’ve NEVER had anyone say anything negative.


I came along a profile stating that she likes hand-made postcards today and since I wanted to try for a long time and also had some old calenders available I just tried it.
Here’s my result, ready to be mailed to the US.


I :green_heart: all your cards!

I find it sad, too, that you got discouraged sending them out. Maybe try again? :slightly_smiling_face:


Not too long ago I found this cute cactus in my mailbox:

And this one just a few minutes ago:


that cactus is adorable!

well i would love to receive one of your cards, they are all amazing. imagine getting a rainbow giraffe card from new york, would honestly make my day.


Thanks for the kind words & encouragement @wurzelsofie and @mchay and everyone else. :heart::sparkles: I wasn’t really too discouraged or anything, just noticed that it isn’t everyone’s preference, and got caught up buying real postcards instead, and washi tape, and stickers, and new stamps… You know how it goes! Lol :blush:

But this whole thread is a good reminder to me that I can still make some special homemade postcards for those who like that sort of thing. :+1::+1::two_hearts:


I love to make cards for my friends. They don’t qualify as postcards I suppose, but nevertheless I like to share some with you


I made this stitched card last year. The drawing is a copy of Carolien Smit’s I Would Die For You.

And this is a folded card I made for someone’s birthday. The moon is actually the USPS Global Forever Stamp that I cut out from an envelope :slight_smile:


Wow! I love these @anon12838227! Extremely inspiring. Already trying to figure out how I can do an anatomical heart using similar style and blue and red stitching.
Do you stick another piece of paper on the back? And how sturdy is your paper/cardboard?

You have just gave me inspiration. I have many UPSP moons I can cut.


I know exactly how it goes. :laughing:

Which is why I am trying to get back into the habit of making and sending handmade cards, because I like making cards. :blush:


I have absolutely no art or craft skills, but seeing all the amazing cards here, and the different techniques used…

Maybe I’ll try something, I should be able to make a collage of some sort. I’m getting ideas.

What have I got myself into :scream:


Welcome to the club! :joy:

Exactly this same thing happened to me a while ago… I’d never considered myself as “artistically talented” in any way, I’m unable to draw anything that can be recognised for what it is by anyone else but me, and I’m no good with any kind of needlework. But making collages is easy and fun, and once you get started, the ideas for new collages just start piling up! :sweat_smile:
I love it, it’s a great pastime which comes at a very low cost and it makes me extremely happy if people actually like my cards! :smiley:

Just give it a go, we’ll be happy to see your cards and there are so many activities on this forum, where you can get ideas and exchange handmade cards with other paint-paper-and-glue enthusiasts! :smiley:

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