Show us the card(s) in your collection that you want to keep for yourself

That’s so cool, it looks like it may even be a hand-coloured photo.


It’s so tacky, I just love it!


handmade card!


Thanks a lot @Daleth23 . I’m glad you’re so fond of it!

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wo!!! you are really an artist!!! so talented you are!

I love the first one. Where can I purchase it?

Bought some cards for my private collection on my recent trip to Lofoten (northern Norway):

I was lucky to find some Rolf Lidberg (Swedish illustrator) cards as well!


Those are amazing! Is the one with the runes embossed or does it just look like it?

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Thanks! It’s embossed indeed. Bought it at the Lofotr Viking Museum.

1.The cheongsam on this postcard is the real Nanjing Yunjin. The color is very beautiful.

2.The beautiful autumn scenery of Meiling Palace, the trees are like a necklace, and Meiling Palace is like a sapphire in the middle, and the card is made of silk.I sent the spring scenery of Meiling Palace in the same series to an Italian postcrosser because he took postcards very seriously and loved them very much.

3.Dove of peace, we all love peace.

4.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟,I like the emotion expressed in the poem.This may be sent to a postcrosser who likes China.


I solve this dilema by purchasing 2…one to keep and one to send!


I bought these cards specifically for my collection so there’s no chance I’d send them off. If I did it’d be to another Millsie and only if I had a duplicate card. Both are of my small college which is being absorbed by a bigger school this June.

You can hear the bells from the clock across campus. They have ten bells I think but they don’t use all of them anymore. The bells each have names but I can’t remember them :cry:.

The rose bush covered building is called Mills Hall and it was the original dormitory, now it’s a mix of offices, classrooms and the admissions office. The fourth floor has three apartments that they put special guests in. Due to the 1989 earthquake the porch is no longer covered in roses and the round but on top is gone as well. I’ve heard some great stories about Millsies that dormed there climbing back in through their dorm window after curfew!

I got the screenshots from eBay because I don’t know where my copies are, I moved a few months ago and haven’t unpacked yet.


Found this one in a junk/antique shop a few years back…
I really enjoy the look of it:


What a lovely way to remember a place near and dear to you. I can absolutely understand why you don’t want to send them, especially with the memories attached to them. The tiny village where I grew up used to make tourist cards, but discontinued them long before I started Postcrossing. I haven’t been able to get a hold on any, bit if I did, you can sure they would be going straight into my “keep box”.

As for @Izzy2018’s suggestion: I get most of my cards at secondhand stores, so they are often one-of-a-kind, at least to me. sigh


These three are ones that are going to go to JUST the right person and no one else!

Honorable mention to this fascinating one where the right person appeared recently!


I have this silly, ridiculously oversized one that I received with a DVD purchase. One of my absolute favorite movies, and I’m not likely to buy another DVD copy to get another card haha


“Don’t mind me, I’m just holding up a shipless anchor below a cliff prison. Move along, nothing to see here.”

Oh, the 1920s :laughing:


This is my favourite Indiana postcard from our one and only National Park

I have sent out many.


I got today 6 more cards to my collection of cards I’m not going to send anyone. :raised_hands:


These are going to stay with me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Belgium stopt selling maxi cards and they are hard to find in good condition :hugs: