Shortest travel time

Newest record: 4 days!


My shortest travelling sent cards are both 3 days, but both were sent from Germany in Travel Mode!

But my shortest ones from home are 9 days (within Australia) and 10 days (a lucky fast one to the UK)!

Edit: I find it amusing that the travel distance on my domestic card is further than either of the DE international cards!


This is a record for me. 4 days from US to Switzerland! :flushed: My shortest to Europe before this was 5 days.


I actually remember this card being registered in December; 7 days to Germany, even during the holidays. I was so surprised!

Technically this card shows as being registered in 3 days, but it was only because they changed their address, I got a message the card was automatically registered. They donā€™t participate anymore, and I donā€™t even know if they actually received the postcard eventually.

But 6 days seems to be the fastest from my location on the US West Coast to Europe.

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Mine was sent within a day and itā€™s sent from Germany to Germany. Iā€™m so amazed with Deutsche post :partying_face:

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I thought it was amazing that mail from Canada to Germany made it in just 5 days.
Then, I thought it was amazing that mail from Canada to Germany made it in just 4 days.
Now ā€¦ THREE DAYS to travel from Canada to Germany. AWESOME!

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@Seracker, cards that have traveled to me from a Canadian Postcrosser take about 4-12 days; 5-7 days is most common. After all, weā€™re a mighty big piece of land and lakes.
The fastest delivery within Canada was this card traveling 3 days, from a town that is about a 2.5 hour drive by highway.

And my fast travel to a Canadian is this one, in northern Alberta, that made it in 3 days -

This is my postcards with shortest travel time:


How in ā€œ0ā€ days @marit_la ?

Oh to have such super speedy travel times!!

I feel very fortunate to have had these two cards travel in just four days from my home territory, across the border into New South Wales - 237 km and 221 km respectively:

After sending 417 official postcards through Postcrossing, I have only nine with single digit travel times (amusing, nine being the highest single digit number)! Two of those nine were sent from Ireland (in travel mode) though. Single digit travel times from Oz are much rarer, and a very big deal for me!! :partying_face:


Itā€™s not exactly the fastest one, but amazing: From Ireland to Germany in just 2 days!

From Germany to Germany I have a few with 1 day travelling time.


My postcard reached Hong Kong in 6 days from Singapore! It was a direct swap. That was the fastest

Iā€™m still surprised by a card that reached Canada in 5 days from Finland.

Also 2 days to Germany is quite achievement and I have two such cards!

Mine was 2 days, from Japan to Italy. First I read the date stamp wrong - one month is typically here in Italy - but then I read it again and was almost shocked hahaha. 2 days is amazing!!
Once Iā€™ve send a postcard to a friend in the same town, it took about 3 weeks :joy::joy:

Well, not long after I had requested this address, I got an e-mail from Postcrossing that the postcard was registered as the receiver had changed the address (and requested that all due postcards were registered as received).

I had not yet uploaded the image of the postcard. I sent a message to the receiver and asked for the new address and sent the postcard.

The actuall travel time is longer, but itā€™s fun to have the travel time of 0 days though.


1 day , was from the netherlands to an other city in the netherlands. One postcard , distance only 11 km took 5 days. Even delivering by myself by foot i would have been fasteršŸ™ˆ

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My fastest ones were delivered within 2 days, all of them out of Hungary (3x to Netherlands, one to Germany and one to Portugal).
Then, many within Europe in 3 days (all pre-covidā€¦)
However, I am probably still most impressed of the card that took 5 days for 17ā€™813km from Hungary :hungary: to New Zealand :new_zealand:


My shortest travel time for my sending is 4 days. I sent a postcard to Germany 2 years ago.

For my receiving, the shortest travel time is 5 days. I received a postcard from Austria last September.

I think a the postcard from Thailand to many countries in Europe, especially Germany, is traveling fast, and vice versa.

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