Serendipitous postcards

Today we set off on holiday and, en route, we had a burst tyre. After putting on the spare we drove to a tyre garage for a replacement. While we were waiting, my daughter wanted to look around an antiques shop. To my delight there was a good postcard section! The first one I looked at was:

A few minutes later i found this one (questionable, risque, and very dated humour!):

It made me wonder what other extremely pertinent postcards members have found or received at exactly the right place, at precisely the right time!


I had a moment of serendipity this weekend when I travelled locally to attend parkrun.

After the event I went to have breakfast at a cute local cafe and was not looking for, nor expecting to find, postcards in a cafe. But I glanced up from my table at one point, and lo and behold…postcards!!!

They weren’t run-themed…but just an unplanned and fortunate discovery…because when is discovering postcards not fortunate?


Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

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