Sep.4th 2022- Guangzhou Holiday Meetup in Guangzhou

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Guangzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Huangsha Wharf
:calendar: DATE: 2022.9.4
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30-17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello, everyone! We are postcrossingers from Guangzhou Holiday Meetup. Through consideration, We gonna have the 29th Meetup on board in Guangzhou in Sep.

Registration Fee : Free
Offer: 4 designed meetup postcards (2 with pc logo & 2 without pc logo)
Request : Bring stamps by yourself , wear your surgical mask, gather on time
Activities :

1.Introduce yourself to others participants
2.Go on board
3.Write postcards
4.Share your experience with others
5.Take some photos

If you’re interested to these meetup cards, feel free to leave your message!
Thank you!


我也是广东的小伙伴,要不要互寄明信片啊 :grinning:

Hello, very beautiful postcards, I want an exchange
Postcards can be viewed here
Harry Potter Обмен Гарри Поттер – 161 Bilder | VK
Movies / cartoons / series Обмен:фильмы/мультфильмы/сериалы – 54 Bilder | VK
General exchange Обмен общий – 124 Bilder | VK
Vladivostok and lighthouses Обмен: Владивосток, маяки – 25 Bilder | VK
Meetings Vladivostok Встречные Владивосток – 1 Bild | VK

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hello there! what about a direct swap on 3rd postcard ?

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I would like to swap WPD postcard if possible

Yes~ Of course!