Sending notecards instead of postcards

Please calm down. She was only saying that if somebody says they wouldn’t mind something else, what’s the problem with that? I personally would love to receive scrapes if fabric, tea, or other flat things. IF they would like to send them. I’d send some tea to a tea lover. What is that doing? Please I want a cevil debate. Please tell me how it doesn’t make sense. And how, if people are ok with it. Why shouldn’t we send them something they’d like? Isn’t the point of postcrossing to make people happy and share culture.


No, the point of official Postcrossing is to swap postcards. As I stated earlier, if people want to swap other items, there are places on the forum and also other sites or groups for that. They should join those.


I understand that completely. If people wouldn’t want to receive or send them, that’s perfectly fine. But if say you had a card (not postcard) that the recipient would LOVE, and they are fine with receiving them, why shouldn’t I be able to send it? @jaenelle


Hey friends! I wanted to share this screenshot from the FAQ section! The question is “What can I send on Postcrossing? It says “If you want, you can send other things with your postcards, such as a letter, photo, or pamphlet.”

I truly cherish every piece of mail that I get. In my opinion, I think it’s ok to send folded cards in envelopes. I love stuffing an envelope with written notecards/postcards, blank ones that the recipient can send out, washi tapes, stickers, interesting stamps, even tea bags. I’ve never had a person refuse to register them in the 10 years that I’ve been part of this wonderful community!


Thank you for sharing! It definitely clears up some things, it clearly states that you can send letters, and other goodies. Your recipients sound very lucky!


I would register notecards / greetings cards in an envelope unless the admins tell us not to do so.

I have not seen a line where the admins state that we cannot register them.

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Yes, but with all letters, tea, folded cards etc. there still needs to be the postcard.
I have received a postcard in an envelope, with tea, but also just a letter. Just a letter is not ok.

Often they tell we can register them, but don’t need to.
So if not sending a postcard, there is the risk that the recipient doesn’t have to register it. It doesn’t help if someone else previously liked it. But some tell in their profile that they like folded cards too, then I think it’s very ok to send it.

Where the monitors don’t say anything?

I think it’s like normal life. Monitors, police etc, is not everywhere. Some don’t care. Some don’t know (elsewhere). But also an individual has responsibility. They can help, and tell, that’s not ok. Maybe then the monitors wake up too.


Here one similar topic, that might be interesting to read:


Ana, one of the founders of Postcrossing, took on this question:

So if it’s a non-folded notecard, with an image on one side, and is sturdy enough that it could be sent through the mail without an envelope, it looks like it qualifies.

And while I can’t claim to have read every post on the site, I don’t recall a moderator ever saying that registering something that you’ve received is optional (please point me at such a post if I’ve missed it). If you think it’s not a proper card, you can report it once you register it. I treat “if it arrived, you register it” as inviolable. I don’t care if it’s a Dr. Scholl’s Odor-X Insole – if it arrived in the mail with an ID on it, it gets registered.


It is said for example here

If you thought this after my post, I meant after contacting the team. I have been told I can register it, but then tell it’s not a postcard, or then I can also not register it. Always, when it seems like something is not a postcard, contact the team, never just decide yourself. (Because this will make it look like you didn’t receive anything.)

Sometimes I have actually been told, “please don’t register it”.


WITH your postcard, but NOT INSTEAD of a postcard.


Welcome to the PostCrossing Forum!
There’s helpful posts about where to find and buy postcards.

Here’s some inspiration for some non-tourist postcards too.

Lots of members enjoy receiving a variety of postcards, not just tourist ones. Hope this is helpful!


I had the same question and i was answered that Anything can be made into a postcard even a cereal box, so i think your notecards should be more than fine😊


Everyone keeps trying to justify breaking the rules with ‘but what if someone is OK with it?’ Well, what if they’re not ok with it? If I send a postcard I expect a postcard in return. Not a folded card, not a letter, not anything else. A postcard.

There are literally sites for swapping all those things. Tons of penpal sites if you want to write letters. Things like swap bot if you want to swap tea, stickers, coins, stamps, or anything else. Even on the forum here there are plenty of threads for swapping other things.

On the main site, please follow the rules and send postcards only. Or if you insist on sending these other things, at least be sure you do include a postcard so you’re following the rules.

@meiadeleite @paulo @Mundoo @Bille


taking pictures and then turning into postcards is a great idea, i could use my own photos to send out
thanks for this tip <3


It sometimes seems like people register with postcrossing and then try to send anything instead of a postcard. Why do people do so?


We’ve had this discussion plenty of times. I really don’t know what others do, but I know that I send commercially made postcards as officials and in trade. And I expect to receive a postcard in my mailbox (perhaps accompanied by stickers or a newspaper clipping, bookmark etc). There are probably forums where folks exchange a letter, an envelope, a scrap of paper glued to something, cut up food box, photograph, outside of the official process.

I am always happy to share some postcards with new members to help them build up stock. I know other long time members also offer to share postcards


But you still do understand that there are members preferring postcards, in a postcard swapping site, do you? And they should not be made look like “collectors” or not caring about communication just because they play this by the rules. (Not saying that you think so, but it turns often like the persons who like postcards are not kind, are only thinking themself, not how poor the sender might be etc.)


I have only had one time where there was no genuine postcard included: a handmade folded card with a separate note stating that the person preferred sending that to a postcard. I did report that before anyone tells me I should have done so. Another time, there was a card included, however, it was one where the reverse was completely filled with information, no message or address space. That arrived in a beautifully created handmade envelope with a couple of small self-created artistic items (let’s call them). The message was a couple of sentences on a small piece of notepaper. Sadly, all that was wasted on me.


My opinion is neither valued nor welcomed so I will refrain from commenting and remove my previous comments.


I believe they get the point now.