Sending Birthday cards

Just wondering if anyone kept the addresses from sent postcrossers and sent birthday greetings later on? Would this only be done in the case of “direct swaps”? I love sending birthday cards. Or, do you only send birthday cards if it happens to be the same month you receive the postcrossers address?


I don’t think that this is common - but such a nice surprise when it happens! :blush: I once got an additional birthday card from a Postcrosser who had sent me a card months before. And another Postcrosser who got a card from me sends birthday wishes via the message system, since three years. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I sent additional birthday cards a few times, to members with whom I felt a special connection.


Oh :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not alone with such thoughts :smiley: I already reflected upon it and YES I think I WILL send birthday greetings to the one or the other. To a postcrosser I feel similarities, some friendly connection. When it seems so to me I keep the address or, for example sending in next times an extra card, when I know that person collect XY motive and I just have THE ONE. When I feel similarities by reading profile, swaped one or more messages. When I feel the person is just a little bit like myself seeing world :slightly_smiling_face: Then, why not.


I take pictures of every card I send so I have everyone’s address, well, unless they moved!

I don’t think this is common, but I know some people have sent out surprise cards to some people they connected with or just wanted to make someone happy.

I think it’s a lovely idea and doesn’t harm anyone! But I would make sure to put my username there so they know who it’s from since no id number.


I am afraid I personally would find it a bit creepy if I received a completely unexpected card from someone who I haven’t really talked with. I have experienced someone being obsessed with me (not in a good way) and the card would raise questions in that direction. So from my point of view, if you want to send a surprise card to someone, do it only when you know it will make the person happy.


I find it a bit creepy that someone would intentionally keep my address for future use. Receiving unsolicited post later on would make it even creepier. I think it needs to be understood that consent given for one purpose does not extend to anything else.

I don’t give my date of birth in my profile and I would be very uncomfortable with this kind of post.


Thanks for all the feedback.

I keep notebooks of all postcards I send , in tags and swaps. And I have sent out unexpected to some that I am really sure it’s okay. But as you see from others that commented, not everyone would feel comfortable so I message and ask first if I am not sure. Personally, I do not mind receiving surprise cards.