Send a postcard to space!

Did you know you can send a postcard to Space and get it sent back to you stamped with “Flown to Space”?

I haven’t tried it yet as I’ve only just come across the project. However, it’s free to join (you just pay postage on the card you send) and its open to anyone, anywhere in the world!

You can find out more about it here: Blue Origin Club for the Future | Postcards to Space

Has anyone heard of this or done it?


I can’t help but thinking if the ecological impact of the whole thing is worthy…


What a wonderful project😍


I would like to try!But unfortunately I Don’t have a USA stamp :joy::joy:

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I hadn’t heard of the “Flown to Space” idea until now. It’s a cool idea, but I personally wouldn’t want to be involved with anything having to do with Jeff Bezos, considering the stories I’ve read about how his company treats its employees.
On a somewhat related note, there were mail-delivering experiments years ago via something referred to as “Rocket Mail.” Unfortunately, some of the letters and postcards that were transported via rockets sometimes tended to get blown up, or at least heavily singed, upon landing back on earth. Attached is a link to a Wikipedia article about rocket mail.


What an awesome idea, Thank you very much for sharing this information.
Have a great day!

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There was once a Kickstarter project about receiving postcard from space. The last time I checked the update, no one got their postcards :frowning:

Where can I buy USA stamps?

You can buy USA postage stamps at


“The Postal Store cannot accept orders for shipment outside the United States,” :slightly_frowning_face:


Another way getting USA postage stamps would be or

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