Send a postcard for the first time

What should I do after sending a postcard for the first time?




Wait till your postcard receive and the receiver register it. After registered you will also get a postcard from someone else.


If you only requested and sent one postcard while you are waiting for it to arrive you can request another 4 addresses and send a postcard to four other members.


I see.Thank you

I see.thank you very much

I see.Thank you so much

Welcome to Postcrossing.
Where there is so much more than the official exchanges!
Have a look at the various fora and consider participating in one, or two, or more… .
If you want a lot of postcards coming quickly, join a large group.
If you want to test the waters, explore a variety of groups. For instance, if you have a favourite colour, try a colour group (spelled color here). Maybe you have a hobby that you can link to Postcrossing. Try here
Maybe you might want to join a Round Robin, where you can exchange postcards through your personal interests. For example, maybe you want to get some of your favourite postcards written back to you, through Write Back My Postcard, or … I’d like to invite to join the Canada and the World Round Robin (maybe I’ll see you there!).
So many possibilities…
Have fun with Postcrossing, and jump right in to something that interests you! :partying_face:


You congratulate yourself for joining this fabulous, world-wide community! And enjoy when others begin sending postcards back.

And if you’re impatient (because it can take weeks or even 1-2 months before getting any back through the regular Postcrossing exchange, depending on where they come from), you can join some Tags on the forum and when people tag you from your own country, you will probably get mail sooner.

In any case, welcome to Postcrossing!
