Self Sent Postcard Time Test from 3 Countries

I went on vacation and mailed myself postcards not only as memories but to time the delivery since I seem to have had some delivery issues.

Sent from Tallinn Estonia :estonia: 13/06/24
Postmarked 18/06/24
Arrived 06/07/24
23 days

Sent from Helsinki Finland :finland: 16/06/24
Postmarked 17/06/24
Arrived 24/06/24
8 Days

Sent from Stockholm Sweden :sweden: 19/06/24
Postmarked 19/06/24
Arrived 19/07/24
30 Days

So I learned exactly nothing essentially as there is no rhyme or reason I can figure out but I did learn that Finland has an excellent postal system. :smile:

Other than that each country was special, fabulous and unique! And it was a fun experiment!


I wouldn’t exactly say so. Travelling times are unpredictable, for example it can take anything between 10 and 30 days to the US. Cards abroad, especially to Germany, arrive faster than domestic. We have an annoying rotating weekly delivery schedule, high prices and no guarantee that your mail will make it.


:laughing: I definitely understand that. I think it’s because I’m comparing it to home but It’s hit or miss here too. When I went into a Helsinki post office to buy my stamps they were extremely kind and helpful. There were free supplies for shipping packages on the counters and it was clean & orderly. This is not the case for my locations. :upside_down_face:

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Five days seems rather a long time for a postmark?


I thought the same.

Mailed from here.

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That’s quite interesting - I mailed myself a card from that very post office on June 12 (dropped it in the box inside, not the one outside) and it has a manual cancellation from June 12. Two cards mailed from the cruise ship on the evening of the 12th have Tallinn machine cancellations from June 14.

Maybe they didn’t empty that mailbox on Friday morning for some reason. The next time after that would’ve been on Tuesday the 18th according to that schedule on the mailbox which would fit the cancellation date. :woman_shrugging: