Search for two numbers/letters would be helpful for RRs

Hi there!

Is it possible to include the option to search for words within topics that consist of only two letters/numbers?
Sometimes, I like to be sure that I added the correct people to the group and sometimes, it is helpful to see when the person joined the group, if it was years ago, they might no longer be interested. A search function would be very much appreciated in these cases so that you don’t have to scroll through the whole long topic because these can become very big… People usually refer to Round Robin groups by their number alone and I used to search for group numbers like this in the old forum quite a lot…
I fear just naming the group #005 instead of #5 won’t do the trick either since I can’t control how the participants refer to the group, but maybe if I start at #100 this would solve the problem in the future. This is not possible for the travelling and closed groups tho, and it kills the continuity. :thinking:

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There is a configurable setting and it defaults to 3 characters minimum. I wouldn’t dial this down to 1 (searches become almost irrelevant in that case) but we can try with 2. I have changed this to 2 — let me know if really helped for that purpose or not.

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I just tested it, yes, it works, thank you very much, very useful! :kissing_heart:

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Yes, It’s true.